So today's my birthday and my boyfriend left after a 5 day visit.
It was great. We did a few day trips, went on an amazing hike/picnic on Sunday and just simply had the best time together. I love him and spending time with him. It just always goes by way too fast.
I know that we're lucky and get to see each other a lot more than other long distance couples and I'm grateful for that. But I guess it's never enough. It won't be enough until we live together and even then I will probably complain if he has to work longer or go away for a weekend. And I think there's no shame in that. I love my boyfriend so obviously, I want to spend as much time as possible with him. So every single day without him is a day too much.

I feel like I'm always posting about presents in my blog and I'm going to post about presents here yet again, because he gave me really cute ones for my bday.
So I got:
-This bracelet (except with a pink cord). It has "Your [my nickname for him]" engraved (in Polish) and he said it's so I'll always have my very own miniature version of him with me. It's soo simply and yet so meaningful. It's a lot more original than a heart, too. I'm wearing it with my LFAD-bracelet.
- Avril Lavigne's Black Star fragrance (There's a story behind that... and I really like the smell )
- Some little photos of him with wishes (for the piggy bank of kisses that he gave me for Valentine's)
aaand although this is not a real present: two films (Before Sunrise, The Piano). I have them both already, but we haven't been able to watch them together, because my versions don't have Polish subtitles.
We're going to watch them on my next visit, which is in *drumroll* 15 days.
Ooh and his birthday is exactly a week from today. I have some more time to buy him a present, since I'll take it with me when I visit. But I don't have a fixed idea yet.
I have short listed some stuff (a German-German dictionary, a flip clock, engraved jewellery, a poster-size photo of us) but I'm really still very undecided..