I've come back to my place, after having spent almost two weeks with my boyfriend.
He finally finished his exams and actually had some time for me, so we had such a good time together. It would have been perfect if it hadn't rained almost everyday.

We won't see each other for 3 weeks (25 days from the day I left) now and because he will be on trips with his dad and friends, we won't talk much either I think this is the longest time between visits we had this year. Considering the 1000km distance, I really don't know how we manage to do that. Granted I had only one class this semester and for a number of reasons I couldn't work, so I had quite a lot of time on my hands and didn't have to be in my city a lot.
It looks we'll be seeing each other a little less from October on. I'm starting my new Job in August and even though it's only 15 hours a week and the girl who's working there now, told me that a lot of the things she can do from home, I don't know how much I actually have to be present. It's also a bit awkward to ask about that before I've even started working. So right now we can't make any plans for October and I have to wait to buy tickets and watch them getting more expensive Dislike.

On the bright site:
I'm going home to my family for a whole week. I can't remember that last time I've been there for that long. My mum and her boyfriend are most likely getting married then and even though they're not having a party or anything, I'm still happy that I can be there
When I come back, I'll start my new job and then a week later, I'm meeting my boyfriend in Prague!!
And two days later he'll come to visit me for three weeks. YAY.