We're definitely going to be LDR again from October this year to mid Febuary, but after that we'll hopefully be done with it for good.
My boyfriend went home for two weeks on Wednesday morning. He's going on a trip with his dad and friends. So I went to pick up his exam results today. It was sort of funny. I know most people from his class from parties or whatever and they're quite a cool bunch. I went in last, because my boyfriend's last name starts with Z and by the time I went in, everyone had their results already (they all passed - smart people!). So I go in and first thing the teacher asked "So, you're Aleksander's sister?" -uumm- no.
So he wrote down the results which are 87%/82%/90%/75% for the different parts. Which is good. He gets to go to the German course next semester and then he can take the test that will allow him to go to university in Germany.

I'm definitely going to Poland in September, though. My department is too small, to offer me a good education, they sort of have to send me away. So we're going to be long distance again.