I'm sick(ish?). I have a mean cough (it has gotten slighty better since yesterday, but it's still there) and I'm freaking COLD all the time. I spent most of yesterday lying in bed and sleeping (with a break for watching the Muppets' Christmas Carol) and I really want to do something today, but if I feel that cold inside I'm not keen on trying out outside. There has been a lot of new snow yesterday and it's in the low minuses, -2°C maybe. Not too bad, but in here it's theoretically warm and I'm freezing.
I tried to eat something today and it only made me feel sick. Ugh. And did I mention that I feel cold?
I might take another Aspirin to get my temperature down and feel warmer, so I can actually leave the house.... or I might stay in, finally watch the perks of being a wallflower and do what I wanted to get done tomorrow.

I had a great weekend! Two of my best friends from primary school visited me. I hadn't seen them in about three years, so it was a lot of fun to catch up and show them around the city and laugh about how stupid/funny/awkward we were in school
We had planned to go for a beer or two on Friday and have a bigger party on Saturday. Friday we met up with a friend of mine and some of her friends/roommates and one or two beers became four and then we went to another bar with another friend of mine and we didn't feel that well on Saturday. So we slept in, did some small sight seeing and visited the Christmas fairs in the city.
I just wish my boyfriend could have been here with us. It's sort of funny that they know his parents but not him.

My mum's arriving on Friday night and we're going to pick up my boyfriend Saturday around noon. I'm looking forward to Christmas Eve with my mum around.