I guess I should take a shower, but for some reason our apartment and ESPECIALLY our bathroom is super cold. I don't know why that is, because the past few days it has been pretty warm outside. Ugh. So I write a blog and then take the shower.
Our weekend trip was fun and super exhausting. Thursday after work my boyfriend picked me up, we went to the station, had Subway and left for Kielce. The Polish National Railways have recently introduced a system where you get a seat reservation with your ticket. Which is nice in theory, but this being Poland, it doesn't work quite well and there were lots of people with seat numbers that didn't exist. We were lucky to have 65 and 66 which did exist, but 67 and a few numbers up didn't.
Our hotel was right opposite the station and it was huge and fancy. We went out for food and then to bed. The next day my boyfriend woke me singing happy birthday and gave me two tickets to "Fiddler on the Roof" at the Jewish theatre here, a potato peeler (because the one we have sucks balls and every time I had to use it it pissed me off so much) and a necklace with a little pink bicycle. Then we had awesome breakfast and left for our first hike. We were supposed to visit the castle and cave, but we couldn't find the right bus at first and ran late. So we walked for a bit, then went to the cave like two hours early. Turned out to be a good decision because it started to pour and I wouldn't have liked to walk in that shit. So we had ice cream and fries and waited for our tour. The cave was beautiful. The whole tour was a bit short but it was still interesting. When we got out it had stopped raining so decided to hike back. The first trail we were going to take had basically turned into a pond at some places, so we took another one. It was nice... until I saw something weird, like black pile of something. Upon closer inspection it turned out to be a dead dog, most likely a shepherd. It freaked me out, because there are not usually dead dogs lying around in this country. I was too scared to look at it closer, but I still wonder if we should maybe have informed the police? I don't know and I've never actually called the police for anything. In the end we didn't do anything, though. Maybe we're just bad people.
When we got back we showered and then went out for birthday kebab and beer The next day, after awesome breakfast we took our backpacks and... went looking for a bus. We found the stop and schedule, but... no bus arrived. So we took another one, that wasn't going exactly where we wanted but the general direction. We got off at the last stop walked a bit, found a bus stop, waited for another bus, took that one to the last station and walked some more. After about an hour the bus we were supposed to take from the beginning appeared, we flagged it down and went where we were supposed to have been like... earlier that day. Some more ice cream (because Ice Cream is awesome!) and started the trail we were supposed to hike that day, only like two hours late.
There were A LOT of people and the trail was so full of slippery rocks and pretty steep. We made it to the top (some 600-something metres, so not a huge mountain) and continued the trail from there. It wasn't super eventful and after some time instead of going on top of the mountains we had to take a route lower and through a foresty area, which was super muddy and not very interesting. Plus it was getting late and we had to hurry. That was when I started to get sick of the backpack and walking. Well nothing could be done about it and we carried on. We finally got to the foot of the last mountain we wanted to climb that day, ate some (gross) fast food and even though we were tired already we had to go on. When we just started to take the route up some guy in a car stopped next to us and asked where we were staying and that he'd give us a ride. We were like "We could need a ride, but in the opposite direction" he said he'd give us a ride up the mountain four 10PLN (€2,5) and we were more than happy to take it. It was probably super illegal, because technically cars aren't even allowed there and that guy wasn't a taxi driver, but hell. He saved our trip! On that last mountain there's a huge monastry and a felsenmeer (a scree covered slope thing) and saving the time it would have taken to walk up there, we could spend more time enjoying that.
We then walked down, again on a slippery rocky path -I'm genuinly surprised I didn't break a leg- and our next "hotel" (which was a tiny wooden house) was right next to the trail. By the time we arrived my legs were trembling. All I wanted was to fall into bed and sleep! We had to eat and buy something for breakfast, though. So that's what we did and then we went