because everything else is so depressing. Finding an apartment is proving to be extremely difficult. We don't really have proof of our income and even though our mums agreed to co-sign, they both don't make THAT much money, so I don't know how much it helps. Oh well, nothing we can do. I sent a lot of e-mails today and am going to call all the places tomorrow and maybe somewhere they'll accept us *sigh*

So to lift your and my mood, here's some random photos. They're nowhere near as interesting as lucybelle's but LOOK:

At Olek's friends' wedding on Saturday. I was going to wear different shoes, but I couldn't find them :-/

Also: Olek's friend (A.) went there with another friend (L., who is our almost-neighbour, she was his +1). L was at the bachelorette's party last week and apparently she thinks A and her are a couple. Olek and I are pretty sure that that A doesn't know about that and doesn't consider L his girlfriend. It was pretty awkward at times.

Two weeks ago, visiting a fortress

At the same fortress, a butterfly on my foot

MOOSE country!!

A real Polish moose

The restaurant had hilariously inappropriate wooden figures... (I think/hope he used to hold a lamp and they didn't just make the arm like that)

The car we rented looked suspiciously like a stork

According to our guide this is a pregnant spider!

That's what Olek looked like before November 09... ;-)

at 5am after 4 hours of sleep - ready to look for moose