My last entry was my 111th and I kinda want to keep the 111 in my profile. But I also want to share some good mood. So here's a blog.
Olek is listening to some 80's/90's internet radio and a minute ago they actually played YMCA and because he couldn't find something a facebook (because he didn't realise that today is actually already tomorrow), he kept singing "stupid" instead of "young man" and for some reason it was hilarious. Now he's dancing around the room to living on a prayer
We're having a really good time in Warsaw. Yesterday Olek had a bit too good a time meeting up with his friends from school. Apparently their party ended around 2am, and he was already in the bus home, when we started to -um- feel not so well, so he got out of the bus and decided to walk home. From (almost) the other end of the city - it took him about 2 hours. I was awake when he got back and heard unlock the door and enter the apartment. And then... nothing for a very long time (about an hour). I was sooort of wondering what was going on, but decided that finishing "The Remains Of The Day" was more important, so I didn't bother to find out what he was doing. After about an hour he finally came into our room and it turns out he had been sleeping in the kitchen
Well.. he felt kinda bad this morning, but I couldn't stop laughing at the fact that he actually walked(!) 10km home (in a huge city with plenty of buses and taxis) or that he slept with his head on the kitchen table. It still makes me giggle.
Before that yesterday we had breakfast at our friends' (pancakes) and dinner at Olek's grandparents' (pierogi for me, because apparently that's the only non-meat dish that his grandma knows how to make).

Our New Year's Eve was awesome. We went to my favourite club in Warsaw with our friend and her boyfriend and it was just perfect.
I know most of you have seen