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chef rae and anlgp

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    chef rae and anlgp

    I couldn't think of a thread title.

    We met in 2009 sometime playing mafia wars on facebook. We were friends for about a year before we decided to become a couple June 10th, 2010. It has been an overall wonderful time within that time period. Our personalities could most likely be the epitome of the saying "opposites attract" and while sometimes that can give us very different outlooks on situations we have come this far and we are together.

    I love Rachel so much. I love her more than I can express sometimes in words, or to her, but I am going to try my best. I love her for who she is, what she stands for, what type of person she is. She is very sweet, she is very simplistic. She's very goal oriented and she knows where she is going with her life. Day in and day out I am a lucky man to have her in my life as I do.

    We have talked about our pasts, our futures, and everything in between. We've talked about staying together forever and going our separate ways during more troublesome times.

    And here we sit and it's obvious to me the choice we both make. We are both working our hardest to try and bring the best to the others life and we do on a fairly regular basis.

    I don't want to really get into a whole lot of our personal lives, but we have so much going on as individuals both at home and with our current day to day activities. We both try very hard at what we do - she works as a chef (that'd be the chef in chef.rae obviously lol) trying to go where she wants to go towards a bachelors degree in a restaurant and hotel management degree (i think that's the proper name for it) in Pittsburgh soon (she has an associates degree in Culinary Arts already), and I'm doing my best to give myself an education to be a prosecutor or some field in Criminal Justice meanwhile searching for a part time job so I can help do my part to pay rent around home and for us to meet.

    We have such a strong relationship to be able to go though everything we go though as individuals and as a couple and come out on top of the situation together doing what's best not only for the couple but the individual involved as well and I'm really happy and proud with us and how we've handled life together so far.

    That's so sweet, and I hope everything continues to go wonderfully for you both--for your relationship, and your dreams.
    "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


      Apparently we were just not meant to be.

