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from best friends to lovers

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    from best friends to lovers

    My boyfriend and I met while at college in Boston, MA. He became my friend two years prior to dating and for a year, we were best friends. I had a feeling he was interested in me but I never pursued him or allowed him to pursue me. We hung out quite often - I even helped him pick out cute girls for him to talk too. In January of this year, we finally got together and became inseparable. At the time, we were a semester away from graduating and I was applying to law school. He intended on staying in Boston upon graduation. I got accepted into most of the law schools I applied to and settled upon New York - my hometown. Neither of us were excited about the distance (me more so than him). He was optimistic about being able to work through it and continue our relationship since we had a strong foundation as friends.

    We have been doing the long distance since August. I am fortunate enough to see him every 2 weeks - while I can't travel to him because I have too much school work, he travels to me whenever he can. It's hard balancing law school and a long distance relationship - the visits, the phone calls, the skyping, the texting - but at the end of the day, I don't want to be with anyone else. I joined this forum because I often find myself wanting to call it quits solely on the issue of distance. I am hoping to read others success stories so I can continue with my relationship.

    I'm currently dating my best friend too. We met about 2 1/2 years ago through a mutual friend. We became best friends fast and I was VERY wary of dating him at first because I was afraid I would be losing my best friend. We started dating about 5 months ago now and 4 of them have been long distance. We haven't been long distance half of the time as most other people on this site, but we've had our issues. Mostly I've found that the challenge has been to think of him as my SO and not only my best friend again. Although if this is our only problem then we're pretty sterling right? For the record I have had another LDR with a longer duration.
    Anyway, he's moving up and we're closing the distance around Christmas time. I think people who have been best friends with their SO's before dating have an advantage because they have that friendship to rely on while the other more intimate aspects of a relationship are not available. We've all been just friends before without the so called, "benefits," so those aspects are not as hard to live without... at least this has been my experience. Think about the time away as a way to continue the friendship that you both share. Obviously there is a line or a limit where you cannot do the LDR thing anymore, but that should be thought out and talked about with your SO. We all become frustrated and upset because they aren't here with us, but that's normal as long as it doesn't completely mess with your emotional well being or overall happiness. There are many LDRs that work out, just look at all the victory stories, and hopefully yours will be one too, and mine and well ^_^ Good luck and hang in there!
    “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
    ― Marilyn Monroe

