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A Pirate and A Hooker :D

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    A Pirate and A Hooker :D

    This breathtaking story happened in 2009,and started with my inability to find intraining.Now take your hot chocolate and marshmallows,sit comfortably and listen to this romantic blubber

    I was 18 and studied in Switzerland.The time has come! The time to find intraining after 9 months of theory.I was pretty nervous as it was supposed to be my first work.And after few weeks of horrible nervous and stressful waiting....i didnt get any. The best part was that I got in a circle.It looked like this:
    -Send me to the next campus (we had to study in 2 campuses)
    -Do your intraining first
    -Give me one
    -We cant find any,you should go to other campus
    -Send me then
    -You did not complete your training
    To cut long story short,I eventually got there and asked to change few subjects as I wanted to study French and it wasnt included in the program for newbies.Adding to French,they also gave me a subject that seniors where doing.During orientation,I saw HIM.Yellow shirt,this pirate spanish beard,cunning eyes and his SMILE.I was totally shocked and attracted and whatever but...I was commited huh?So I told myself to throw him out of my head and concentrate on studies.Few weeks passed,I always saw his back in front of me,he always seemed to play games and never listen but somehow he always answered correctly.Then one nice sunny summer day he joined our group for project and....we fought violently He liked metall,i liked punk.He said blink-182 suck and I advised him to have a sexual intercourse with himself.Then he asked for my number and I received like 10000 mesages from him the same day.After 3 days I went partying to my first campus,he looked sad and asked me to stay but I decided women are allowed to be cruel at times.So i left,missed my connection train and got stuck on the station for 3 hours at night.My phone was dying and I only managed to call him once.He came after half an hour,bla bla bla I KISSED HIM IN THE BUS.He told me i am an idiot and kissed me again.bla bla bla we slept together at night,were kissing for a week and eventually he stood on his knee and asked me out.After I replied yes he (totally happy) lay next to me and said "now you are my goddamn girlfriend"
    T-da! The end

    P.S. Why hooker? coz he said first time he saw me,he thought i am a one-night stand girl and good just for sex hahaha i was a virgin that time by the way! kinky me