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Where Dreams Come True.

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    Where Dreams Come True.

    I know I haven't been on here in a while and I haven't been very active, I have let ya'll know that I have moved to Florida, I'm outside of Tampa and about 50 mins from Disney World.

    Back in November my parents came to my siblings and I and gave us the choice of either having gifts on Christmas or tickets to Disney World, me being such a big kid at heart of course said DISNEY WORLD!! The next day we were at Hollywood Studios, we had a blast! Later that day my parents had to go check out of their room they were staying at and we (siblings and I) decided to go to the Magic Kingdom by using the Buses. It was there I was listening in to this guy and girl talk about how packed the bus was, the guy noticed I was listening and started talking to me, we talked all the way to the ticket center and continued talking to and on the monorail and just stayed as a group through the park as well. I had a blast and was very interested in the guy (his name btw is Sam) I don't know what it was about him that I was instantly attracted to him! I ended up giving him my number that night and we've been talking ever since! he met up with my family again at Disney so we could hang out again. Then I met up with his family at Disney to hang out again.

    He lives 3 hours away from me though. Not horrible, that's totally reasonable with me, I've already made a trip out to his neck of the woods for a visit! I am so smitten with this young man it's crazy!

    I could write a whole book just talking about him but I'm going to break here and make myself stop lol
    Last edited by MissShortie; January 11, 2013, 09:16 PM.
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