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5435 miles apart

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    5435 miles apart

    Hi everybody! I'm Arianna and I'm so happy I can share my story here.
    I'm almost 18 and I live in Italy. About 2 years ago I met a guy on Facebook, he added me and we started talking about games and other random stuff. That happened for almost a year, because later I went into a relationship with a guy from here and I had decided to unfriend every person I didn't actually know in real life. Later that year I went to England for 2 weeks and accidentally saw some comments that guy, F., had written on my pictures some month before and they made me laugh, so I decided to add him and we started talking again. F. was nice and always made me laugh, he wasn't like the guys you usually meet on the internet.
    From that moment on we started chatting and ended up texting everyday. He was always there for me, and he was always able to cheer me up when I was sad. He was a little bit strange and weird at times but I found that interesting and I liked it. In the meantime my actual relationship was about to end: me and my boyfriend were drifting apart and things were about to get worse. I felt that something inside of me was changing...I wasn't happy when I was with him...but when I talked to my internet friend. Me and F. kept getting closer everyday and I had the feeling I could like him but everything seemed so crazy because he the USA. Yes, I was hoping to have a relationship with somebody who lived more than 8000 kms away from me.
    I was so sad and depressed and didn't know what to do. Everybody told me I had to stop talking to him and try to make things work with my boyfriend but I couldnt keep pretending to love him when I was obviously attracted to another boy. F. was special to me. His compliments gave me funny feelings in my tummy and talking to him made my days. I spent the summer staying up late, all night, because of the 8 hours of different time zone between us and those were the best moments ever to me.
    As summer ended I decided to break up with my boyfriend; it was hard but it was the best decision to me. I was still a lot confused at that time though, because I wasn't totally sure about F,'s feelings and the situation. What if I had misunderstood everything? It seemed like he liked me, by what he said and did. He used to send me lots of pictures and tell me a lot about his life. We texted the whole day, and talked on skype and when we didn't I missed him so much. And I desperately hoped he felt the same way.
    Later, we haven't been able to text again and we kept chatting on facebook only. That was the hardest period for me: there were times when we couldn't talk for days, and when we did it was for no longer than 2 hours. I missed him so much and was almost about to lose hope. I felt that nobody could understand me.
    But I couldn't forget him, and being patient and trying to be strong we finally managed to text again and talk more often until one day he told me the most unexpected thing, that made me the happiest girl ever. He said that he loved me and well, I was so happy to tell him I felt the same way too.
    I had already had a long distant relationship once, or at least, I kinda did, with a guy who lived in Switzerland but it didn't work out in the end and i couldn't believe I had fallen in love with somebody who lived in America...but well...everything is possible, and I regret nothing.
    We aren't actually into a real relationship yet, but we are in love with each other and things between us are great. He makes me so happy and he is so sweet with me. I love how he tries to share a bit of his life with me and the way he makes me feel close to him, ever if so many miles separate us. He is the best person ever and I'm so glad I know him and he chose to be with me.
    We are looking forward to meet soon and he is hopefully visiting me next summer, I can't wait. I'm so happy to see that love can prevail after all, and that it knows no distance.
    I want to be with him so bad, and as he said, I'm sure one day we'll prove everyone wrong and be together. I hope I can move there and reach him to Oregon one day, I love him so much and I don't care about what people say, nor am I gonna give up. And I know that together, we can make it.

    True that Love knows no distance.... Nice stry... wIsh you best of luck.. I would say be tgether and prove that you two are meant to be together...


      Thanks Hopefully we are meeting in June...I really hope so


        Me and Frank are now officially in a relationship and I couldn't be happier!

