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Zak + Kimi = Zimi

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    Zak + Kimi = Zimi

    I’ve been reading several LDR stories and it has inspired me to share my own.

    I met my boyfriend, Zak, only three months ago while he was visiting family and friends in AZ for two weeks (he lives in Ecuador). My best friend was living with me temporarily for nine months while her husband was deployed in Afghanistan. After his tour was finished he came back to Phoenix for two weeks on leave to help her with moving back to GA. As a “going away” tradition, me and my bestie always have a girls only dinner before she leaves. Unfortunately, there weren’t many of our girlfriends who could join, so she decided to invite her husband along and some of his friends. Little did I know, my bestie’s husband met up with Zak the night before and told him all about me. From what he tells me now, he wasn’t very interested in meeting me due to the short time he would be here.

    Me, my best friend and her husband waited at the bar and got a little tipsy before being sat at a table. Due to my intoxicated state, I really don’t remember meeting Zak. In fact, we ended up sitting on opposite ends of the table and didn’t really have a chance to speak to each other until he heard me saying how I wanted to visit Brazil. I told him how I wanted to go to Rio for Carnaval someday and he said that he’s always wanted to do the same. After several sake bombers, I was about to go home with my bestie since she was tired, but her hubby and Zak talked me into going to another bar after dinner with them and several of their old high school friends. And thank goodness I did because Zak and I flirted like crazy while playing darts. I told him all about my plans to go to Belize the following month for a vacation and during my drunken friendly state of mind, I boldly invited him to meet me there.

    After leaving the bar, we ended up at a house party, but by 3am, I was so tired and intoxicated that I straight up fell asleep on his chest for a good hour! Haha! He ended up driving me back home and we exchanged numbers. The next day, I didn’t hear from him until about 9pm when he asked if he could come over and hangout with me. I, of course, wanted to see if anything else was there so I invited him over. He had been at his sister’s wedding earlier that day and, so sweetly, he brought me a piece of wedding cake and some M&M wedding favors (I had told him about my obsession with wedding cake the night before and he remembered!). After being able to talk to him sober, I realized how much I really liked him. We eventually went out on a date the following evening and had an amazing time. We talked for hours into the night and while he was trying to teach me how to roll my r’s in Spanish, our faces were very close together and he FINALLY went in for the kill. That moment was absolutely perfect and now I know what it feels like when people say they felt fireworks while kissing.

    And our first date was only the beginning. We pretty much spent every minute that we could together until he was to leave a week later. On a side note, I need to explain that before we met, both of us had basically given up on dating or looking for a girlfriend/boyfriend. Time and time again I’ve been disappointed in relationships and I was pretty dead set on being single and free for the foreseeable future. Similarly, Zak told me on our first date that he wasn’t sure if he believed in marriage. But, fate had a way of changing our minds. One night, while cuddling, he joked about us needing to get married so we could be with each other always. I chuckled a little and soberly asked him how that would work since he doesn’t believe in marriage. He got quiet and finally he said, “Well, if it were with someone like you…it wouldn’t be so bad.” My heart melted at that moment and I knew I had already fallen hard for him.

    Call us crazy, but we ended up saying our I love you’s after only one week (it was actually the night before he left to go back to Ecuador). Once he left, we would text and skype everyday until we met up with each other in Belize just two and a half weeks later. We spent a fabulous week in paradise, which only intensified our connection. Since then, we’ve talked a lot about our future and plans to get married and have children one day.

    Thankfully, he was able to come back to AZ to stay with me for a whole month during the holidays and he just left just last week. Due to a project he’s working on for work, he won’t be able to visit until Summer, so I hope to visit him down in Ecuador during the spring. My heart is heavy, though, without him. I finally found my true love and its taking a toll on me. I want to make the move to Ecuador soon, but I become nervous at the thought of leaving my house, job and family and friends behind. Any advice for those of you who have had to make the same decision?

    That is such a great story. It had me smiling I don't have any advice for you, since I haven't needed to make the decision to uproot my life and move yet, but I think I will have to make that decision in a few years. When I look to my future and when I have to make that decision, it seems very difficult, but I know my relationship with my man is more important than any job. Good luck!

