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Stalking Solider

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    Stalking Solider

    Sometime in 2008 I received a friend request on Facebook from a VERY good looking guy, I was 17 so it was acceptable to call him ‘FIT’. I did no more and accepted his request only then to find when I was snooping over his profile that the guy was from the states. Ah shucks it was lovely while it lasted.

    Justin and I started speaking a lot, Funny enough he was deployed in Afghanistan at the time. I remember out first Skype date he had to prepare all his stuff and go into a tent so we could talk for a moment but the connection was so bad. I remember seeing his lost little face in his uniform in a tent. I remember thinking how cute he looked. He looked so grown up yet so young to be doing what he was doing.

    We went from Skype dates to phone calls, they were few and far between, he would call me when he was free and not being shot at. But as the calls become less I become to spend a lot of time with a guy who I lived near. Before I knew it was missing Justin’s calls because I was around this guy (Dan) he then soon became my boyfriend of 3 years. Justin was obviously pissed with the situation but I knew it was for the best as my parents would of never supported me through an online relationship.

    You’ll all be pleased to know Justin did return home safe and sound, Even though I was with someone we still spoke and every time we did speak he would always try and persuade me how he was the guy for me and I was missing out. I would always laugh it off. Before I knew it to my amazement Justin was in a relationship and then married, a part of me died that day; selfish huh? But no it did I felt gutted he was married because I knew that was it between us there was no hope.

    Justin then moved onto his second deployment, and whilst he was deployed I broke up with this guy Dan for then Justin to come back from Afghanistan to find out his Wife had been cheating on him so they then broke up in 2011. It took a year of us just casually talking and getting over our breakups. Never would I of thought I would fall for him. It took me until February 2013 to feel ok to be able to let another man into my life after my break up. And guess who was there reminding me his been trying to get my attention for the past 5 years? Yup .. Justin, I was really ill in bed with a virus when he randomly messaged me at 2am saying the most sweetest thing about him helping me to get better if he could. Right then my heart sunk I kicked myself for ignoring this guy all this time. If i hadnt of ignored him all that time, he would of never got into a marriage where he got his heart broken i could of prevented that from happening.

    I took a chance and arranged a Skype date with him (first one in 4 years) and 7 hours of talking later its safe to say I fell head over heels for that guy! Night after night of Skype dates, texting and calling we didn’t waste any time of making it official with us, 8th March we become a couple! Surprisingly my best friend’s and my parents were pretty damn supportive.

    Again we wasted no time and after just 4weeks of us being together he booked my tickets to fly me out to America for May 24th! We were finally going to meet after 5 years of him wanting to be with me! And when that day came, the moment I was in his arms and he asked ‘are you still breathing ‘was the most amazing time in my whole entire life! I always thought I knew what love was but clearly I didn’t until I spent 10 days with him were I fell in love with him all over again every day when I woke up to him.

    Now we are apart for another 6 months, But 6 months is nothing compared to 5 years! We are a strong team and nothing will ever tear us apart. We met through distance so distance will never come between us and ruin us. I love my soldier my best friend I and I cannot wait to spend my life with him


    Thats just so cute
    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


      Originally posted by leonsfangirl View Post

      Thats just so cute
      Haha the more i think back to it, it really is. He still till this day reminds me how i ignored him for 5 years! and thats how he introduces me too lol,

