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Elina & Sam

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    Elina & Sam

    Hello, I’m Elina and my SO is Sam. There’s 1,000 miles separating us, I’m in Finland and he’s in England. Here’s our story.. from my point of view.

    We met on Playray on the 27th of October, 2008. He was a registered player and I remember seeing him on there before, but that night we joined the same multiplayer game on minigolf with two other people. While playing, you can talk to the other players and basically we were the only ones talking, being silly and it felt like we had the same sense of humour. When the game was finished, Sam challenged me to play alone with him. We kept talking and I really liked him a lot. After a while he asked me to add him on msn. I was a bit hesitant because I didn’t really like adding strangers at the time, so I told him I’d think about it, but there was something so special about him that made me make an exception and the next day I found myself waiting for him to go online.

    I was in a relationship when I met Sam; actually I lived with the guy so we started off as friends. Days and months passed, and our friendship grew stronger and stronger and I think not one day has gone by where we haven’t talked, either on msn or by email. We would talk for hoooours basically every day, literally 6-10 hours on most days and soon I realised my feelings had developed into more than just liking him as friends. Me being in a relationship made things complicated, but it was obvious we’d started to have feelings for each other. I stayed in my relationship regardless, though I have no idea why I didn’t pack my bags and leave seeing as most of the time I was miserable. I guess I was too scared to walk out the door. Sam was the one who aaalways made me feel better after a fight I’d had with my ex, and I could count on him and he was always there for me. Talking to him or even just getting an email from him was something I looked forward to so much every day. If I’d had a bad day, he would always make it ten times better, just by talking to me a few hours. Well, just an “I like you” from him made my day, no matter how bad it had been.

    My relationship was hitting the rocks big time, I hadn’t loved him like I should have for months and we were constantly fighting and then one day I finally gathered all the courage I could have and ended things with him. It was pure hell, but it was without a doubt the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. Sam was.. sort of seeing someone too but a while after I broke up with my ex, he ended things with the girl, and after all the mess, we were finally free for each other. We had talked about him coming to Finland with his friends and to see me (as friends), but soon we started seriously talking about meeting for the first time, and that’s basically when we became a couple. We didn’t want to be with anyone else and our feelings for each other were so strong at that point, there was no turning back ♥

    A couple of months after all the breaking up, the day finally came. On the 27th of November, 2009, I drove to the airport to pick him up, and there he was, all tall and handsome as ever. From the second he put his arms around me, I knew we were meant for each other, and that he was the one for me. We were stood hugging at the airport for over 30 minutes, until the airport staff came and kicked us out because the airport was closing ;p We drove to my place and spent the most amazing three days together ♥

    It was just as perfect as I’d imagined, if not better. It felt like I’d seen him many many times before and we didn’t have a single awkward moment. It felt so right and we were so comfortable around each other from the first second, it’s amazing. At the airport we shared our first “I love you”s, and I just wanted to tell him that over and over, now that I was finally able to say how I’d felt for so long.

    When he had to go back to England, we were devastated, but so determined to make this relationship work, and here we are. Yesterday was our 13-month anniversary, and we couldn’t be happier.

    We’ve seen each other 5 times so far. After November we were lucky enough to only have to wait a month to meet again, and we spent New Year here in Finland, the best New Year of my life. Then the day came again and he had to leave. Seeing as it was -30 degrees here, my car wasn’t doing so well and wouldn’t start so he missed his flight and “had to” stay here for another 5 days, aww ;>
    I love my car ♥

    We had to wait 3 months for the next time, and in April I went to England to see him for the first time. I got to see where he lives and meet her mum, which was really nice. After spending a week in England, we went to Edinburgh for a few days and had so much fun. I love travelling with him ♥ From Edinburgh we flew to Finland together and spent another week here. However, thanks to the awesome volcano in Iceland, he wasn’t able to go home when he was meant to, and got stuck here agaaaain for another week
    I love Iceland ♥

    In June I went to England again for 10 days. One night he got into a car accident, thank god nothing really bad happened, but I was scared out of my mind. I’m glad I was able to be there for him. Leaving that time was harder than ever, and we both cried so much. We had an amazing time again though ♥

    The latest visit was a few weeks ago, when he came here. What was meant to be a two-week visit, had turned into 10 days for some unfortunate reasons. Unlike the other times he’s been here, we actually did more than just snuggle inside (can’t say I don’t like doing that though) ;> We went to loads of places, he got to see Finland and it was great, we had such a good time.

    Next time we’ll be seeing each other in October for over two weeks and I can’t wait :> ♥

    He saved my life, made it worth living and he’s made me feel like the most amazing and beautiful girl in the world, which no one’s done before. We’re so lucky to have each other, and I’m sure nothing will ever come between us. I know we’ll be together forever, I can’t imagine my life without him.

    I love you from the bottom of my heart baby, and I promise I always will.

    Read our story from his point of view :>

    I will repeat what I said to Sam....very touching...and the pictures..beautiful.
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      I love the pictures!
      And such an adorable story!
      I loved the part with your car dyin and him havin to stay 5 more days xD haha priceless


        Beautiful pictures! And cute story!


          Cute story! Glad you two can see each other and spend time with one another.


            Your story is just as lovely as Sam's!


              Such a great story

              The pics really add to it too, so nice to read
              In a relationship with

              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

              My Albums:
              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
              My dog Sam ♥


                Beautiful! I love that you both posted your stories at the exact same time


                  I just read both your stories: So sweet! I am really happy for you guys. And your pictures are beautiful and romantic


                    Originally posted by Casey View Post
                    Beautiful! I love that you both posted your stories at the exact same time
                    Haha, totally wasn't planned

                    Thank you everyone for the lovely comments


                      I thought I'd go check out the background story of the sweet, rice/ketchup-eating Finn

                      Great idea, telling it from two points of view!
                      Sorry to hear about your previous rocky relationship (..we've all been there -_-) but everything turned out for the best after all I'm really happy for you..

                      Thanks for sharing, both of you


                        Originally posted by Luisina View Post
                        I thought I'd go check out the background story of the sweet, rice/ketchup-eating Finn

                        Great idea, telling it from two points of view!
                        Sorry to hear about your previous rocky relationship (..we've all been there -_-) but everything turned out for the best after all I'm really happy for you..

                        Thanks for sharing, both of you
                        Haa, that's me alright

                        Yeah.. that one turned out to be a nightmare in the end but good thing I got out of it, thanks to my very own saviour

                        Thanks for the comment Luisina


                          What a cute story. It made me kinda chuckle at parts..very sweet, amazing pictures as well!


                            Originally posted by Jasons Babe 8808 View Post
                            What a cute story. It made me kinda chuckle at parts..very sweet, amazing pictures as well!
                            Tehe, thanks for reading Glad it made you laugh

