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Two gamers in love.

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    Two gamers in love.

    For all those that don't know what World of Warcraft is, it's a highly addictive MMORPG that once immensely deprived me of a social life. If I had to guess, I've probably wasted over five thousand hours of my life playing that game. I knew I was addicted, and I knew something had to be done. On October 21st, 2009 I skipped the streets and shouted something that I never thought possible:

    My name is Allie, and I beat the World of Warcraft addiction.

    Okay... I didn't really skip the streets, or shout out for that matter, but I'm pretty sure I said that in my head once or twice...

    So, I'm about to tell you my LDR story, and I will probably go off in World of Warcraft speak a few times, but I'll put all that crazy gamer text in blue and then explain what every word means at the bottom of the page.

    Anyway, something really good did come out of those estimated five thousand hours of playing time. And I'm not talking about being the best geared healer in the highest ranking guild on my server. I'm talking about a boy. The most amazing boy I've ever met, actually. He was hopelessly addicted just like I was. And I never thought a video game could bring two people together like it brought us together.

    I joined a guild and one of the members and I became really good friends. He and I (we'll call him Taco) did everything together: quests, instances, raids, etc. About 6 months later (February 2007), Taco asked me to come help him in an instance. I agreed to help, and joined the group. There were three other players in the group, who happened to be Taco's real life friends. Two of them seemed like normal guys to me, but one of them caught my interest really quick. I can't explain it...maybe it was the sarcastic and witty way he typed? Or maybe that was just the way I read it. He was very funny, and you could tell that he was extremely smart. He was also very sweet, but a kind of sneaky sweet. You would sometimes have to read what he typed to you twice before you actually figured out that he complimented you or dropped a hint in what he was saying. I'm very quick witted too, and I would always be surprised at myself when I didn't catch his hints or compliments the first time. Oh yeah, and his name is Jordan.

    Jordan and I pretty much became inseparable. We talked forever, about World of Warcraft, real life, problems, friends, enemies, and sometimes about random stuff that would mean absolutely nothing in the real world. He was like my best friend, we were both always there for each other. To give words of wisdom and a shoulder to cry on. It wasn't long before I developed a huge crush on him. I would always think about him when I wasn't with him. I would be sitting in class staring at clock, counting down until I could get home and log on to talk to him. We both knew that we liked each other, but neither of us wanted to admit it.

    We started texting in April 2007, which was the best because I could talk to him during school. We have a three hour time difference, I'm ahead, he's behind. When he's on lunch at school, I'm already home, and he called me on his lunch break one day just say hello. When I picked up the phone and heard his voice, my stomach felt like it had been injected with butterflies on steroids. If you were to ever hear an angel speak, it would have Jordan's voice. We only talked on the phone for five minutes, (probably the best five minutes of my life.) My face hurt from smiling so much, and when we hung up, the first words that went through my head were "he's the one." And from that point on I knew that I was undeniably in love with him.

    That night when Jordan logged on, randomly out of the blue, I asked how he felt about me. I instantly regret asking him...what if he didn't feel the same way? What if he only considered me a friend? I was going to type something to try and save my butt and make what I wanted to hear less obvious, but before I could, I got an answer. "I think you're perfect in every way, despite anything that anyone would say in regard to the contrary. I love you."

    I pretty much fell off my chair at that point, and I think I cried. I told him I loved him too. And that ladies and gentleman, was how it all began.

    Our feelings for each other have only grown stronger since. We were practically girlfriend and boyfriend, but we didn't make the LDR official until August 10th 2007, which is when he officially asked me.

    We've been together for three years. I live in Ontario, Canada. He lives in California, and no, we haven't met yet. He always refers to our relationship as a bitter sweet thing. We've had our ups and downs, our agreements and disagreements, but that's what makes us stronger. I love him with all my heart and I could not picture going through life without him. A lot of people think we're crazy for being in an LDR, and I just laugh at them because they judge and can't even hold a close distance relationship for more than a few months. I feel like I can conquer anything that life throws at me with Jordan by my side. He means absolutely everything to me, I love him more than words can describe. People always say I'm silly because I'm so young and I'm convinced I'm in love. Yeah, I'm young, but I KNOW I'm in love. I'm sure you guys know what I mean...and it's only a matter of time before his last name becomes mine.

    World of Warcraft word meanings:

    Gear: armor and weapons.

    Group: a gathering of people with the same goals, and they therefore team up to achieve that

    Guild: has the same concept as a clan; a guild is a group of people belonging to the same community in-game

    Healer: responsible for healing group/raid members when their health is low.

    Instance: a separate zone filled with very strong enemies and bosses that reward items of value when killed. Usually done with a group consisting of 5 players.

    Server: realm of play.

    Raid: has the same concept as an instance, except the enemies are much stronger and instead of having a group of 5, there are several groups.

    Quest: tasks given by non playing characters, rewards are given once these tasks are completed.

    Sorry it was so long!
    This little girl's heart is California bound.

    Aww, very sweet story! I hope you two will finally be able to meet soon...


      Allie, I loved it! You'd nothing to worry about, every-one'll read this little love story, and it's not too long at all. But I really did love it (:

      And the part when you heard Jordan's voice for the first time, my stomach went like that when I first heard Stewart's voice, it was one of those mind blowing exciting moments that we only have a few times in our lifetime.


        Originally posted by Snowy.Winter View Post
        Allie, I loved it! You'd nothing to worry about, every-one'll read this little love story, and it's not too long at all. But I really did love it (:

        And the part when you heard Jordan's voice for the first time, my stomach went like that when I first heard Stewart's voice, it was one of those mind blowing exciting moments that we only have a few times in our lifetime.
        Haha awwh thank you! =)
        It's a great feeling, isn't it? Although, I start to hate the butterflies after a while...
        This little girl's heart is California bound.


          Originally posted by William View Post
          Aww, very sweet story! I hope you two will finally be able to meet soon...
          Thanks =) Glad you liked it.
          And I hope we get to meet soon too...
          This little girl's heart is California bound.


            I hope you two meet soon! This is a cute story!


              Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
              I hope you two meet soon! This is a cute story!
              Awwh. Thank you Paula!
              I'm glad you liked it. =)
              This little girl's heart is California bound.


                Awww, this is almost exactly how I met my fiance. Except we were playing Ragnarok Online instead of WOW. And I honestly thought Kyle was a She for about three months before I found out otherwise.


                  Originally posted by punkpain View Post
                  Awww, this is almost exactly how I met my fiance. Except we were playing Ragnarok Online instead of WOW. And I honestly thought Kyle was a She for about three months before I found out otherwise.
                  HAHA! Awwh! That's awesome!
                  Yeah, a lot of guys play girl characters...I don't know
                  This little girl's heart is California bound.


                    Just an amazing story Allie ! I mean it ! It's so cute ! I recognize many things that refers to me too !
                    Wonderful ! I really wish the best for you both ! Hold on and arrange a meeting !
                    I'm now for around 5 months together with my girlfriend from Brazil and we're going to meet July 2011 !
                    I'll feel in Heaven !

                    Good luck !


                      Originally posted by Steeef View Post
                      Just an amazing story Allie ! I mean it ! It's so cute ! I recognize many things that refers to me too !
                      Wonderful ! I really wish the best for you both ! Hold on and arrange a meeting !
                      I'm now for around 5 months together with my girlfriend from Brazil and we're going to meet July 2011 !
                      I'll feel in Heaven !

                      Good luck !
                      Awwh! Thank you!
                      And good luck to you too.
                      This little girl's heart is California bound.


                        That's such a great story. The people who dismiss LDRs don't understand the connection you can have with someone when *all* you can do is talk. And talk. And talk. You can be way more open and honest and know someone far better than couples in a CDR who date every weekend. I was with my ex-husband 15 years and I don't know him half as well as I know my LDR love. It will be so wonderful when you get to be together. Best wishes to you both.
                        (Also, totally not too long, we all love the details of other LDRs, right?)


                          Originally posted by LDR_Girl View Post
                          That's such a great story. The people who dismiss LDRs don't understand the connection you can have with someone when *all* you can do is talk. And talk. And talk. You can be way more open and honest and know someone far better than couples in a CDR who date every weekend. I was with my ex-husband 15 years and I don't know him half as well as I know my LDR love. It will be so wonderful when you get to be together. Best wishes to you both.
                          (Also, totally not too long, we all love the details of other LDRs, right?)
                          Awwh, thank you!
                          I totally agree, I just wish some people would understand...
                          And it's true! I know so much more about my LDR love than I've ever known about any of my close distance boyfriends.
                          And yeah...who doesn't love details? haha
                          This little girl's heart is California bound.


                            Awww...very nice story...are there plans of a meeting soon??? I am inspired by how long the two of you have been together...
                            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                              Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
                              Awww...very nice story...are there plans of a meeting soon??? I am inspired by how long the two of you have been together...
                              =) Thanks! I'm glad it inspired you!
                              We actually do have plans for next March.
                              I'm either going to California to see him or I'm going to Las Vegas and he's going to drive out to see me =)
                              This little girl's heart is California bound.

