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*Ready to give up and then I met you*

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    *Ready to give up and then I met you*

    So I have not been good at being single my whole life. By that I mean I had always wanted to be in love if I could help it. Besides ever since I was a little girl I realized I was destined to be a wife and a mother. This could appear sexist but I am old fashioned and feel as though when you meet one person that is just simply for you, you will work at it and create a life together. I had been through several relationships and just left my longest one to date(over 7 years) and it took such an emotional toll on me that I wasn't sure if I could get into another relationship. I was completely shutting down and did not want someone that I would have to call, text and be around all the time. Sad, but true. A friend of mine convinced me to start online dating about two months into my singledom. I wasn't looking to meet anyone serious, even meet anyone at that point. But the crave of real love was still there somewhere. So I joined the site and waited for any activity. Mostly, it was terrible. I found out most people are not serious and lucky for me would always say something that led me to stop the conversation. I gave myself a month. Then I receive a message from someone who I thoroughly enjoyed their profile. Then, disheartened, I saw his location. I though okay well it is still nice to talk to someone normal. What really intrigued me is that he was asking me multiple "get to know you" questions. Some people had done that but him and I talked for one whole day basically answering questions about one another. I told him I was going out with friends that week and he told me online to have fun and I honestly didn't expect much from that point on. Cut to a week and a half later, he messaged me asking if I had fun I told him about my week and then a few days later after that he asked me for a date. I was apprehensive because of his distance. Now even though he was a little under two hours away I had never been in an LDR before and part of me was afraid I would enjoy our time together and want more than just friends. We started texting after he mentioned exchanging numbers. He took his time mentioning these things and that I really enjoyed. Nothing was rushed and we were essentially feeling each other out. He approached me in a really sweet way. I found out a lot about him and him about me. We became great chatters via text. We set up an approximate date for our date and he called me after work one night. We ended up talking for over two hours and I can honestly say I fell in love with his voice. From then on, Skype was regular and our feelings started growing. We met about two weeks later and ended up talking after our date for over two hours about everything. It may seem crazy, but we were together before we knew it and I was his and he was mine. I always tell him love hit us both like a ton of bricks. I know now I will marry this man and he gives me a sense of what real love is. Before him, I never realized how much I can love a person. But I love him so very deeply. We see each other every weekend and hopefully this time next year we will be in the same town and be able to start our life together. It gets rough because we don't talk as much as in the beginning but when we do see each other we are inseperable and I have faith we will be together full time one day and so does he.

    Your text is way too hard to read, I'm sorry.
    It's all in BOLD and it's all one long thick block. I have a headache so I can't even try.
    This is probably why you haven't gotten any replies.
    I don't mean to be mean, just thought of saying this as advice.


      I agree, I read it, but it was difficult, as it is in bold letters.

