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Our story

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    Our story

    I just wanted to share how me and the man of my dreams Johnathan, met and how our story is going. I've always been a gamer thanks to my cousins, they showed me the Xbox 360 in 2011. My mother finally got me and Xbox after we moved to Mississippi from Ohio. Where I first lived in MS I couldn't get live because our internet was horrible. I then had to move to a trailer park, and that is where I rode my friend Gregory's bus. I explained I needed help setting up live, since this was my first time ever. After it was set up in 2012, we played all the time together. We played mine craft, call of duty, halo, and I finally made a friend down here. Gregory introduced me to a man named Rick, who I shortly became best friends with also, kind of like a brother and sister relationship. A year of gaming with these two, and Rick told me he would invited a friend to help out on halo. That is when I met him. A man named sniperj97 joined, and honestly I was quiet shocked. His voice was so handsome sounding and he was amazingly nice. I was upset, thinking he was about in his 20's (his voice was very deep) and I was only 14. I'm a horribly shy person, so I got Rick to ask his age, and to both of our surprise he was only 15. A year older than me! Me and Johnathan played everyday, and he was helping me to become a call of duty expert. But then summer came around, and he left to go with his uncle somewhere. For two months he was gone, and slowly I forgot the memories of sniperj97. I then dated a boy named Connor, who lied to me and tore me down. I then turned 15 on July. Right after Connor had hurt me, sniperj97 appeared online while I was gaming. Since I had forgotten about him, I wondered how I knew him and Rick invited him to play. Even by the sound of his voice, I had forgotten. Rick reminded me who he was, and my heart instantly felt different.. like, excited. Me and sniper grew instantly close again, and everyday we talked I fell more in love with him. He could apparently tell, for I was not good at hiding my feelings toward him. I finally told him my feelings, and he asked me out November 12, 2013. We we're always face timing and gaming and pretty much together, like he was next to me in real life. But he started to become sexual a lot, since he was 16 then and he was at the age where it just happens. I honestly got annoyed by this. Around February, I met a boy named Duke. I don't understand why but I had feelings for him instantly. Lets just say me and Johnathan ended it a week before valentines day and I went with the boy I thought I "loved". Me and Duke dated for 5 months, while Johnathan stayed by my side the entire time. He would talk to me when Duke would make me cry or upset. Duke ended up hurting me in a way I couldn't recover from, and soon left me over text. I was depressed, suicidal, and just broken. I told Johnathan, and he helped me through everything. A few months afterwards, me and Johnathan talked everyday again. I soon realized I was the most stupidest human alive, and see what I threw away. Me and him played on night, which we haven't done since what I did to him and I ended up crying and telling him sorry and how I'm stupid and made mistakes and how my love really never left my heart. He accepted me apology and told me he doesn't blame it on me, but on him. We ended up talking about it, and got back together. The date we got back together was 9-2-14, but Johnathan and I put it back as 11-12-13, and we have been together since. He bought me a plane ticket, and I am visiting him in 12 days (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! ) to spend the holiday break with him. I am glad God let me meet him, and I'm very grateful that he let me have a second chance to realize my loss. Long distance is hard, but worth it!

    Aaawww, I love the young love!! Its great that he has been such a good friend to you, as well.. Thats how the long term stuff starts, anyway.. Have a great visit, and keep us posted!!!


      Thank you for reading, and I sure will update it!

