This is my story 
I'm 46 and my SO is 46 as well. I'm Originally from Uruguay, my mother was from USA, my dad from Argentina and my grandad from UK. So, I'm a real mix. We moved to Mexico when I was 8 due to my dad's job. When I was in Secondary school, out of the blue, I became one of the popular girls (this happened when I was around 11 to 14 years old) and, in my classroom there was a boy who was bullied nearly by all the other male students, because he was too small, very skinny, not attractive and he had the looks of a primary school boy.... But he was quite fun. Then, after sharing three years in the same classroom, the school term finished and all the students moved on to High school, we stopped seeing each other all together. Anyway, moving forward in time, I moved to UK when I turned 27. I got married to an English man at 29 and sadly we got divorced 7 years later. Two years after the divorce, I started dating a Danish man, but at the start of this year (2016), suddenly, through Facebook, a female friend decided to create a group to reunite the Secondary school group where I studied in Mexico. I accepted the invitation and joined them, but, because I was living so far away, I could only join them via Skype when they got the first reunion. Then, there, is when I spotted the little boy who used to be bullied... he had changed a lot; he was completely different, in a very positive way. We started chatting, via Skype of course, and we exchanged whatsapp, emails etc... This was in January this year. In the same January, my relationship with the Danish man (after many years) was crumbling, actually it was never good, but I always thought that there was room for improvement, but it never happened. One day, the facebook group decided to ask a question -as a game, for fun-, the question was: if you had the chance to marry anybody of the group, who could you have chosen? That was the opportunity to say it. Well, the "little boy" , let's call him Jay, said that it could have been me, so I replied that it could have been him too. We got really surprised! After that day we started chatting about anything and everything, then, the daily calls started, (he is divorced), and slowly-slowly we fell in love, actually very much. I broke up with my Danish man, then I decided to travel to finally seeing him in person ... My... Oh my....! We fell in love even more, a lot, a lot more!! So now, he is travelling to Europe to visit me in February; I already know that he is going to propose, - and of course, I'm going to say YES-, ...we have already talked about getting married at the end of next year! And I'll have to move back to Mexico after living in UK 20 years...What I've found incredible, is that we are 100% compatible, and when I think back, when I was a little girl, I could have never guessed that I was going to finally find love at 46, 32 years later, after meeting a boy who was bullied by everyone at the school, but now, by life chances, we love each other so, so much, I feel really lucky.
What's your story?

I'm 46 and my SO is 46 as well. I'm Originally from Uruguay, my mother was from USA, my dad from Argentina and my grandad from UK. So, I'm a real mix. We moved to Mexico when I was 8 due to my dad's job. When I was in Secondary school, out of the blue, I became one of the popular girls (this happened when I was around 11 to 14 years old) and, in my classroom there was a boy who was bullied nearly by all the other male students, because he was too small, very skinny, not attractive and he had the looks of a primary school boy.... But he was quite fun. Then, after sharing three years in the same classroom, the school term finished and all the students moved on to High school, we stopped seeing each other all together. Anyway, moving forward in time, I moved to UK when I turned 27. I got married to an English man at 29 and sadly we got divorced 7 years later. Two years after the divorce, I started dating a Danish man, but at the start of this year (2016), suddenly, through Facebook, a female friend decided to create a group to reunite the Secondary school group where I studied in Mexico. I accepted the invitation and joined them, but, because I was living so far away, I could only join them via Skype when they got the first reunion. Then, there, is when I spotted the little boy who used to be bullied... he had changed a lot; he was completely different, in a very positive way. We started chatting, via Skype of course, and we exchanged whatsapp, emails etc... This was in January this year. In the same January, my relationship with the Danish man (after many years) was crumbling, actually it was never good, but I always thought that there was room for improvement, but it never happened. One day, the facebook group decided to ask a question -as a game, for fun-, the question was: if you had the chance to marry anybody of the group, who could you have chosen? That was the opportunity to say it. Well, the "little boy" , let's call him Jay, said that it could have been me, so I replied that it could have been him too. We got really surprised! After that day we started chatting about anything and everything, then, the daily calls started, (he is divorced), and slowly-slowly we fell in love, actually very much. I broke up with my Danish man, then I decided to travel to finally seeing him in person ... My... Oh my....! We fell in love even more, a lot, a lot more!! So now, he is travelling to Europe to visit me in February; I already know that he is going to propose, - and of course, I'm going to say YES-, ...we have already talked about getting married at the end of next year! And I'll have to move back to Mexico after living in UK 20 years...What I've found incredible, is that we are 100% compatible, and when I think back, when I was a little girl, I could have never guessed that I was going to finally find love at 46, 32 years later, after meeting a boy who was bullied by everyone at the school, but now, by life chances, we love each other so, so much, I feel really lucky.
What's your story?