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Katrina & Patrick

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    Katrina & Patrick

    Patrick and I met when I moved to a different high school in ninth grade; I didn't really "notice" him until a year and a half later. He was a great friend that I met through other friends while I was dating someone else but after that relationship ended, I realized we had more in common than I thought. We were in English class together and one of us mentioned that we loved the book Lolita and the other was surprised to discover that someone else had read it (I didn't know at the time that it was an international phenomenon.)

    I realized that I had feelings for him and began trying to get him to notice me (I later found out he had a crush on me as well but thought that I'd never be interested in him!) We went to Mayday, a music festival, and to see Hot Fuzz with our group of friends; a couple days later, we decided to go see Pirates of the Carribean 2, but my friend Ruth didn't realize it was kind of a date and came too!

    I really, really wanted to go to prom with him and finally worked up the nerve to ask after turning down a few other boys. He told me he was already going with someone but she was a friend, and completely understood when he changed plans to go with me. Prom was amazing - we danced a few awkward slow dances together (but I was still really nervous and couldn't bring myself to dance ALL of them) and snuggled later in the limo for the entire hour-long ride home (we had some time left in the limo so the ten of us that had rented it just had the driver ride around for a bit.)

    We ate lunch alone together for the next few days afterwards (my high school had open lunch, so we went off-campus.) While waiting in line for our food one day, one of our friends asked if we were dating. We looked at each other, smiled, and said, "I guess we are." We held hands walking on the way back. Our anniversary is May 25.

    We dated for about a year and a half before I ended up going to school in Raleigh, North Carolina and he stayed in upstate New York. It's been very tough, because I have some emotional issues involving trust and depression that have made an LDR tough at some points. We almost broke up last January because he said he couldn't take the stress, but we talked through our issues, deciding that it was better to be together long-distance than never to be together...we love each other too much.

    Right now I'm studying abroad in Ireland, which is tough due to the time change. But we still talk on the phone and video-chat on Skype - nothing makes me happier than to see him smiling at me from my computer screen. We also write letters; our rule is that we alternate, so last semester we only sent about two, since he didn't send one back, LOL. But I plan on writing a few this semester in addition to the postcard I've already sent.

    I live in hope that, after we graduate in 2012, we can be together. I'd love to live together but I'm preemptively struggling with the fear that we won't both be able to find jobs in the same place (preferably NYC or Boston.) I'm also dealing with the issue of making sacrifices to be together, but I feel that it's worth it to be with someone so amazing, caring, and loving. The lonely nights and missing out on double dates are worth it <3

    Great have been through a lot and you sound still strong as ever! Congrats!

    Thanks for sharing your story!
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      Aw! Adorable story! Thank you for sharing!

