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4 years in the making, over 4 months running.

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    4 years in the making, over 4 months running.

    I first met Alex three years ago. We both played a online game that was sponsored through Disney (yes, I know this is corny.) It was basically a virtual Disneyland where you got an avatar and you made friends and collected items and just had fun. Alex approached me randomly one day, and on a whim, I accepted his friend request. We begun hanging out, and did so often--he was one of the closest people I was on that website. We talked for I believe it was over a year, at which point we both joined a fan forum for the website because we wanted to chat further (the site was geared for kids, and the vocabulary was limited.) Our friendship continued until the site closed.

    Right after it closed, I tried keeping in contact with Alex. I barely knew him then but found his personality to be extremely entertaining, I thought he was an awesome person. He didn't go on the forum site that decided to continue running even after the sites' closure. I believe we talked once, but then he just disappeared, not responding for over a year..the goof. I still wrote on his wall when it was his birthday, and randomly said that I missed talking to him and asked how he was doing. I didn't get a reply. (And if you're reading this Alex, don't feel bad. It's okay, you know you didn't know.)

    Then in January, he sent me a message saying how he randomly thought of me and wanted to get in contact with me (I hadn't been on since the middle of last year.) I found this message a month later when I randomly remembered the site, and freaked when I saw his message. Speed it up a few weeks later, and we're contacts on Skype.

    I remember the first day I talked to him. I remember right after talking to him I was super super happy and excited..for a reason I didn't know why..I just felt connected to him in some way. I just felt like I could trust him with anything--and I barely knew him. It was a weird feeling. We continued talking, and the length of our conversations begun to increase each time--sometimes to 2 or 3 in the morning behind our parents' back. And he's two hours ahead of me. Approximately two weeks after talking, he confessed that he was pretty much in love with me. This shocked me. I had begun to like him that way, my feelings for him were growing by the day, and I had been in a long distance relationship with someone before, and had my heart broken and I swore to myself that I would never get involved like anyone else in this situation..but something about him was different. I trusted him like no one I have before..and we basically had almost every single thing in common, which was totally bizarre.

    I took a big risk, and went for it. Something deep down, I just had this feeling...he asked me if I wanted to try doing the long distance thing, and I agreed. I took the plunge, the risk...and it's probably one of the best things I've ever done in my life.

    We've had our fair share of fighting--a few conflicts overtime, distance being the biggest one today, and we've overcome the other big one, which is such a relief for both of us. A few times I honestly thought it wasn't going to work out between us..but somehow it did. We always come out on top, and stronger every time. Now, I'm very happy to say that we barely fight, but there still are obstacles.

    His parents have set down a rule that we can only talk for an hour every Friday...that's one hour per week, because of his schooling (Long story.) It's very hard on both of us. We had difficulty talking online and not being able to be in the same room as each other--and now we have to deal with not talking at all and not being able to be together. We had our first one hour after a week this previous Friday--I cried after he had to go. And we talked longer than we should have. I actually don't know how I got through last week, and how I'm going to get through the rest of the weeks. I mean, we email each other when we shouldn't..and we send each other mail,'s just hard. And it's going to be like this for the next two months. Does anyone have any ideas that we can do to make it a bit easier, besides him working on his schooling more to satisfy his parents?

    We plan to meet next spring, somehow. We're trying to save up, and I'm trying to get a job, as I have been for months, but I haven't heard anything. No luck. We love each other so much...and we want nothing more but the chance to meet and see how we are together and just be together, something that I'm sure that every single person on this website understands.

    I apologize that this is really long..but, yea. As of right now, this is our story. =)

    Great love story! Thanks for sharing!
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      Thanks for sharing!!


        I still do not understand what to this day made me think back 2 years and realized that I wanted to talk to you.... It's unexplainable.


          Originally posted by alx5150 View Post
          I still do not understand what to this day made me think back 2 years and realized that I wanted to talk to you.... It's unexplainable.
          I don't either, but I'm so glad you did..
          Maybe it was some supernatural thing
          I'm happy that you remembered your old virtual girlfriend whom you first started talking to because she was rich and was wearing an animated dress two years later. hehe :]
          I can never explain how happy i was to see your comment on my profile.

