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Evan <3

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    Evan <3

    I don't want to bore you with tons of words... this is a looong story! But basically, Evan started out dating my friend when we were 15, and I met him over the internet because he rarely visited, since he lived an hour and a half away. Our internet relationship flourihed even after he broke up with my friend, and we developed feelings for each other.
    But when I thought I became quite sure that he liked me back, he started talking about another girl he wanted to ask out. When I accused him of leading me on, he explained that he wanted to be with me, but didn't think it would work with the distance. It took a little while, but I was able to put it in the past and remain best friends with him, though, since then, our feelings for each other never truly went away.

    On to the good part:

    During winter break of my first semester of college, my boyfriend of a year, Andrew, broke up with me. I was really upset and, naturally, I confided in Evan about it. He was understanding, but I could tell he was anxiously awaiting the first second it would be appropriate to start trying to get with me. We spent the next week or so flirting via skype, "joking," (AKA testing the waters) about getting together.

    About a week after breaking up with Andrew, Evan invited me over. He answered the door, took me in his arms and invited me up to his room. Throwing caution and hurt feelings to the wind, I followed him up to his room and we sat on his bed in each other's arms. He said,

    "We're best friends, so it wouldn't be weird if we did stuff." I nodded, and we sat there in silence until he finally said,

    "Wanna kiss?" I nodded again, and we made out for at least an hour I could tell he had been waiting a long time to do that. It felt good, but I disregarded it as a rebound in an attempt to protect my feelings. After all, now we were 2 hours away from each other instead of 1 1/2, so why would he have changed his mind about being with me?

    When I expressed this to him, he was really upset. I told him that this happened to me a lot, and lots of boys get confused and think I'm special after having ONE encounter with me. I remember it very clearly. We were talking about it on skype. And he said,

    "But I really feel like I'm in love with you." This made me really angry at the time, especially because I was recovering from a very recent heartache. He told me he didn't feel like we had to establish a relationship just yet, but that he didn't want to hook up with anyone else. I told him that i was absolutely not in love with him and that I wasn't even going to consider being exclusive unless he could prove to me that he wanted an actual, labeled "relationship."

    Even though the fight felt really big, we moved on very quickly, as usual. Before I knew it, I was visiting him at college when school started up again.

    That was the weekend I fell in love with him. We wandered around Boston late at night. Something about the lights and our outfits made me feel like I was in a cutesy indie romance film. We went back to an empty room, (he had asked his roommate to leave for the night) and despite expressing earlier that I didn't want to do anything, we curled up in bed and kissed until we fell asleep. On Sunday, he took me to the bus station and waited with me until it was time to leave. I knew it wasn't just a hook up when he held my waist and kissed me on the mouth in front of everyone when it was time for me to go.

    About a month later, we made it official

    We're sophomores at music school now, and everything is going better than I ever imagined. I know that some of you may be thinking we don't have it so bad. Maybe you think I shouldn't be on this site since he's only a 2 1/2 bus ride away. And you're partially right. I'm lucky he isn't further away. But sometimes we go three or four weeks without seeing each other in person. Skype is our savior :3

    Thanks for listening...