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Kal & Nicole 4-ever!

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    Kal & Nicole 4-ever!

    Kal and I started dating 7 months after we met when a mutual friend of ours named Anthony stuck his nose where it didn't belong. Apparently, after his graduation, Kal went out to the bar's with his friends (I, being only 20 at the time, did not attend) and told them that he liked me. The next day at work, Anthony tells me 'I know someone who likes you.' Well, I am intrigued. I want to know who it is, of course. Nope, he can't tell me. He promised he wouldn't. Well, that is just not fair of him to tell me that someone likes me but he can't say who it is. So I go around to everyone and tell them to tell Anthony to stop keeping secrets and tell. Kal, being one of these people that I tell this to, knows exactly what I'm talking about. We go out a couple of days later (I got into the bar because Kal had told the owner that I was his sober ride and it was a really slow night.) It's around midnight when we leave and we take a walk around Marquette and talk and talk and talk. We get back to my car and he says 'I have to tell you something.' I'm confused, I never in a million years thought that he would be the person who liked me. So he says, nervous and scared at what I'll say, 'I'm the person that Anthony was talking about. I like you.' My jaw dropped. I yelled 'shut up!' Probably not the best thing to say or the most romantic but it is what escaped my lips at that time. I had no idea what to say, I was shocked of course. He said goodnight and practically ran away. On my drive back home, I'm ear to ear smiles, and I get a text. Kal, saying that he was so embarrassed that he didn't ask me if I felt the same. I texted back I did feel the same and we should hang out some more and get to know each other. I called my best friend, Susan five seconds after this conversation to tell her all of this. Over 2 years later, we are still hanging out and getting to know each other.

    aww i love it, i understand the "shut up" thing, when a guy catched you off like that you just speak, and dont think what you said, but i guess it worked, funny how people end up together huh? so how are you long distance?

