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Our Story (short version)

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    Our Story (short version)

    I started writing our story not only post in the forum, but to also give to my SO for our upcoming anniversary. It turned into a super time-consuming, super long project. I put the full-length version in my blog. If you take the time to read it, I hope you enjoy! Otherwise, here is a very brief overview:
    *As a note, my SO's name has been changed because he's uncomfortable with me releasing it on the internet.

    Jack and I first met in a geometry class our freshmen year of high school. We were introduced by a mutual friend of ours, and spoke once or twice about books. I won’t lie, he was a little funny looking back then. But apparently he thought I was cute right from the start. Hehe.

    We had a few classes together after that, and were aware of each other, but we didn't start becoming good friends until I started dating one of his best friends spring semester of junior year. The following fall, we were in a play and a karate class together, along with his friend/my current boyfriend. We had gotten close - we spent passing periods and lunches together, we carpooled home, and talked for hours over IM. My first crush on him came, then faded. But even after I broke up with his friend and started dating another guy, we kept getting closer through the rest of senior year.

    At college, my then-boyfriend ended up rooming with Jack and two of my other guy friends from high school. I was in another town altogether. Since my then-boyfriend was coming up to visit me almost every weekend, his roommates would often tag along (I had a huge dorm room and my roommate was usually MIA.) Jack was also in ROTC up at my college, so he’d be up there by himself every Thursday. This time together, plus the constant texting and IMing, made my crush on him come back with a vengence. I fought it for over a month, but eventually gave in that November.

    The rest of that school year was truly living a dream. He came up every ROTC day and stayed through the weekend. Our grades suffered, his more than mine, but at the time we didn’t care. We had so much fun together. We had so many adventures - motorcycle rides in the bitter cold, concerts, trips to the ER, hookah bars, tea cafes... I didn't realize then that I was taking it all for granted.

    That following summer he moved several states away with his parents, and he decided to enlist in the military because he no longer had money for college. He got to come live with me for a few months before he got shipped off to boot camp. We loved living together, but the experience as a whole wasn't an altogether positive one. I had crazy roommates, I had to hide the fact he was living there for family and lease reasons, his family wasn't happy that he wasn't living with them, and he didn't have much to do out here.

    Boot camp and specialized training school was hard. I'm really glad I got to see him graduate, and later to see where he was recieving the job-specific training. But only two visits, one of them being with his family, and extremely limited communication for seven months... Very hard. He got some leave before he went to the base he'll be at for the next four years, so he came out to my hometown. Although time was an issue, as it so often is with LDR's, it was good. Now I'm back up at college, and he's out at his base doing dangerous work. I've gone to see him once, which didn't go as planned but was still absolutely wonderful and worth it.

    Since I got back, schoolwork has increased, relations with my roommate are stressing me out more, and there have been serious family and friend issues… But through it all, throughout the yeras, Jack has been my rock. Our relationship gets strained when we get strained, but we’re learning and growing and still very much in love. November 18th is coming up quick, and I can’t believe it’s already been two years of dating, and four solid years of being best friends.

    Very sweet Thanks for sharing your story!

