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Too Far Apart..

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    Too Far Apart..

    Here's our story..(from my point of view.)

    It was sometime around the beginning of August 2008. I wasn't in a relationship nor was I looking for a relationship. I was happy being single. I had 2 different questions which led me to talking to Jason. I asked him my questions, he answered and then I closed our IM box. I wanted so bad to get to know him, but I guess I was kind of a chicken. I was playing for an online pool league and we were playing in an interleague match a few days after I had spoke to Jason. I ended up(not knowing at the time) playing versus Jason's brother, I lost. The next morning I woke up to a message from Jason saying "unlucky" and I messaged him back with "?" and he said "hi" I said "why did you send me that?" he said I meant for yesterday, I was like oh well thanks. or something along those lines.. Unfortunately we don't have the actual conversation because we've both got new computers since then. We kind of hit it off from there and spent that whole day talking to each other. I think it was the next day we both bought phone cards to call each other, mine didn't work so he had to call me. I felt completely comfortable talking to him, I actually layed on the floor and let my brother pop my back while talking to Jason on the phone. (Usually when I meet people I'm shy and stay away from my family when I'm on the phone with them due to the lack of respect my family has..) We talked about everything it seemed like, I didn't know you could know someone so much in a few days it was unreal.

    I quickly found myself falling for him, he was so perfect(he called me BEAUTIFUL!), we had loads in common and I was so happy just reading his words on a computer screen. Never in my life did I think I was going to meet someone and date them online. We exchanged the words "i love you" early on in our relationship and each day my love grew more and more. I would keep my computer on and next to me bed just to wait for a message from him, I couldn't stand not talking to him. We didn't know about Skype yet and phone cards were costing us fortunes.. so we discovered that I could call him without a phone card! YAYY right? No. About a month later I had a $900 phone bill come in the mail..there was no way in hell I was going to ever be able to pay that. So I knew my internet was getting turned off. We spent hours together from morning til night my life was all about him. When the time finally came that we lost internet we also had to move. I had a prepaid phone so we couldn't talk much. I started struggling really bad wondering if we could really work through the distance especially not being able to talk that often. I suggested breaking up and he didn't like the idea he said "baby, we can get through this" so I finally realized I was just being silly and we really could get through it. After I got over that period of doubts, like IMMEDIATELY after, he came out to tell me he had been talking to another girl....CRUSHED! I felt so betrayed and hurt, I actually turned to an ex *disgusted* for advice. I don't know how but I somehow got through it and forgave him.(He didn't cyber with her or anything like that, they just exchanged flirty words)

    We started discussing him coming to see me, I wanted so bad to see him on my 21st birthday(Feb 3rd, 2009) and he agreed, how awesome it would be to spend the night of my birthday getting trashed with my love . He came to a point where he wasnt sure if he could pay for his ticket so we made a deal with my mom. She buys his ticket to come see me and he will buy my ticket to go see him. Deal, it was done. She agreed with her taxes to buy his ticket. Taxes came late and he missed my birthday, shame.. However, on February 12th they came and we bought the ticket for him to arrive in Portland on February 26th @ 930pm!! YAY! It was official, we were FINALLY going to meet.

    (to be continued.. I don't want to kill you guys with reading!)

    Aww! I love reading these stories. Give me the warm fuzzies.
    Looking forward to the next part (hint hint... )
    LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
    Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
    Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


      Thanks! I will post more probably tomorrow..

      only 1 thing I forgot to mention after going back and reading it is, we talked for days before becoming a "couple" and we both liked each other, it was obvious.. I ended up telling him one day "if you don't just ask me, I'm going to assume we're together." he immediately responded with "will you be my girlfriend?"

