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It didn't start out that way:My ldr story

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    It didn't start out that way:My ldr story

    This is kind of a long story but hope it will make you all smile like your stories have made me smile.
    This is Jake and I's story. We met in 7th grade.We sat next to each other in art class. He fell in love as soon as he saw me but I just thought of him as a friend.I didn't know he liked me until after we had become pretty good friends and he asked me out the next year. My friend talked him into asking me out because she was going to the dance with his friend and wanted a double date. She talked me into saying yes. We were off and on becoming better friends and him falling more and more in love.
    We started high school and I dated a jerk and we didn't talk for about 3 months. Me and the jerk broke up and Jake and I started talking again. One day he told me about this girl he met that he liked,I was completely surprised that he liked another girl and I got super jealous. It was that moment that I realized I couldn't live without him. We dated all through high school. He was my first. Senior year he decided he was going to join the air force,I didn't like the idea but I supported him and looked into following my dream of becoming a chef. Since he was going to be away in the military I decided to move from San Diego to Portland Oregon where my extended family lives to go to culinary school. We went to prom.The weekend before graduation he changed his mind,decided he didn't want to join the airforce and decided on community college in our home town. I had already planned to go Oregon and was signed up for school. So in August of 2010 I packed my stuff and left. I miss him dearly but I know when I reach my goal of owning a restaurant it will all be worth it and I will be with my love once again. <3

    Cute story! I loved it Reminded me a little about myself and Frank

    Welcome to LFAD by the way!
    Read my LDR story!


      Haha, welcome to LFAD. I enjoy your tetris quote in your signature!


        Heyy Welcome to the community! I love your story! Thanks for sharing


          Hey!! Welcome to LFAD, cute story.. and I'm from Oregon too!!


            Thanks everyone!
            Frank-My boyfriend said that!All from his head.
            Jason's Babe-I like it here but will probably move back to Cali.I like the beach and Jake is there.


              Ohhh... take me with!! I hate hate hate Oregon. and we're supposed to get snow this next week, and the part of the state I'm from, it NEVER snows.. and instead of taking me with you, I'd like a free ride to England haha..


                It's supposed to snow next week here too. I'm a little scared about it cause I've never driven in the snow.:P
                I wanna go to England! But California has my love.


                  Sounds similar to my relationship: for him it was love at first sight, for me he was just a friend, but I was always jealous when he went out with another girl because there was always something special about him. We didn't start going out until a year after we met because he was really shy (but sooooo adorable ). Been going out for over 3 years now, and I'll be leaving for college in Boston next fall.


                    Awww that does sound like me. Enjoy the time you have with him now. It will get harder as you get closer to leaving.And you will feel guilty for leaving,I do but I know in the end it'll be worth it.
                    Good luck!


                      Great story and good luck!
                      ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~

