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Do you want to go roller skating? 1982 through Facebook 2007....

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    Do you want to go roller skating? 1982 through Facebook 2007....

    It was the summer of 1982, I was entering 7th grade and Jimmy was beginning 6th. I had a friend named Lisa and he had a friend named Joe. Joe liked Lisa, but Lisa wouldn't go skating with Joe unless I came along. So, she told me that Joe's friend Jimmy wanted to meet me. Ironically, Jimmy was also the son of the Chief Petty Officer who had just recruited my brother into the Navy (this link will become important later). Jimmy was a cutie and I had no problem accepting his invitation to go roller skating. From what I am able to recall of our "dating" back then...I broke it off with him because he "liked me too much." LOL Whatever that means!!! A year passed and Jimmy was gone...I later learned his dad was stationed in California and Jimmy had moved away.

    Imagine my shock a few years later as I turned a corner in high school and MY Jimmy walked passed me. I was the point that I could not even speak. We wound up in different circles in high school and I never once had the nerve to speak to him again. So, I suffered in silence from afar (following him around the halls (ok - he says stalking him - lol)...too scared that he'd either not remember me or wouldn't care to!! So, that was that....he dated other girls...I dated other guys. I graduated, went to school and moved on with my life. He graduated a year later, went into the Navy and went on with his.

    My first marriage ended rather quickly...sparing the details, my ex was an alcoholic...controlling and manipulative. I was one of the smart girls who ditched this toxic situation rather quickly. But, I fell into another trap...I went back to my ex. Picked up my life in NJ and moved here to FL to be with him. I went back to school (which my ex helped me to do), started my career and married him. Well, he was an ex for a reason...but, I felt I had made my bed and I needed to lie in it. And that's what I did...for about 10 years...went through the motions...tried to be a good wife...had 2 awesomely beautiful marriage ended...again.

    It was right about this time, I discovered Facebook. I was still new to it's format and one day while searching my old high school for friends...I came across Jim's name. I sat there...staring at his photo...staring at the screen. Do I message him? Yes, do it. No, I can't. YES, DO IT!!! NOOOO, I CAN'T!!! Well, (thankfully) the yes won. It didn't take long to get a response from him...and my heart pounded as I read his words. He remembered me...and was happy to hear from me. And that's how it little Facebook message that led to some Facebook IM's...which led to a phone call...that led to another, and another, and eventually a trip back home.

    In all of our conversations that brought us to meeting again after 26 years...we realized how often our paths almost crossed over the years. He was stationed on the same base as my brother...concerts we both attended....sporting events we both were at simultaneously. It was as if fate knew we were supposed to be together...we just couldn't figure it out. Some of our coincidences were down right freaky - lol.

    When we finally saw each other was...for lack of a better term...magic. It felt like we had been a couple for years (as we kissed in his driveway) and that we'd been apart for a few weeks. It was that trip home that sparked what's now grown into 22 months later...and it just keeps getting better. We are fortunate to be able to see each other about every 4-6 weeks. But, we've gone longer stretches...he had surgery earlier this year and we didn't see each other for three months! Yuck!!

    He's all I've ever wanted and I love him like I've never loved anyone else. We both know how lucky we are...and that's why our LDR works...because we both WANT it and WORK at making it work!!! Oh, thanks Lisa & Joe!!!!

    Thank you for sharing your story!!! It's awesome that you both crossed paths again...and are together now.
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      Such a cool story! It's amazing how things like that happen, isn't it? Thanks for sharing
      LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
      Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
      Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


        How sweet - what a great story


          Thank you everyone. Yes, I think it's pretty amazing how things like this happen. The funny thing was that he had been a confirmed bachelor for about 5 years when I came back along. He had dated quite a bit...but, never anything that lasted more than a couple months. He was quite content in his "solitary" life...just goes to show, you just never know!

