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Masshole introduced to Texans Charm

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    Masshole introduced to Texans Charm

    Okay... so if you don't know me... I'm Chad. My girlfriend is Brittany (eclipsechick7.) We actually met on a forum very much like this one.. well except much larger and it was for cars ( We have a thread in our other forums about it, with all of our trips and so on. Also.. TONS of pics. Please follow the link for all of that fun . I will copy and past the "story" i wrote on the other forums so i won't have to repeat it twice. Yes, i'm lazy. haha.

    Link to the WHOLE thread and pictures: (it'll keep ya busy for awhile lol.)

    Ok, for those of ya who don't know, i'm am in a long distance relationship with a fellow member on here Brittany (aka eclipsechick7) and there are a few members here who wanted to know how our first "meeting" was. So, since we met on C3G, i thought i would share our wonderful times so far with the whole forums, or anyone who GAF.

    Anyways, here's a short and sweet back story to our meeting. She lives in Massachusetts, and i'm in Texas. 1800 miles between us. I messaged her back in Jan and welcomed her to the site. I had no intentions of trying to start anything at this point. But yea, she never responded to me . Nice huh? Anyways, Feb rolled around and a friend of mine on here, James (aka CrimsonGT) found her and added her on facebook. I was "jealous" of James and added her as well for laughs and to figure out why she never responded to me in the first place, for jokes. Anyways, since then, we started to casual chat back and forth via messages and what-not for a month or two. We were really enjoying talking so i decided to make my first move... i gave her my phone digits! . She texted me the following day after i gave them. (couldn't wait the classy 3 days ) After i gave her my number, we start talking.... ALOT. Every night while i was in class we ran my phone battery to death with texting and learning about one another. We just clicked, very well. Texting led to phone calls, which led to video chatting on the internet, and so on. We sent one another letters, and so on. Sine we have been "talking" for almost 6 months we basically considered each other as a couple even though we haven't "technically" met one another yet.

    Anyways, we COULDN'T WAIT to finally meet one another after soo long of talking and set up an original date for me to visit in Sept. Turns out, we couldn't wait that long, and her parents, which i have video chatted with as well, decided to be gracious enough to fly me in earlier than expected. We were both flabbergasted and beyond excited.

    So here we are. I flew in from July 1st till the 6th. And here was our weekend in cliffs:
    July 1st - Flew in, nervous as hell, yet excited out of my mind. Met her in baggage claim as she leaped into my arms and hugged. Met her immediate family, and relaxed from the flight at her house.
    July 2nd - Went for a hike (i love hiking since we don't have many trees/mountains in Tx.) Later than night we met up with a few other Mass C3G members. After that, met a few of her closest friends.
    July 3rd Went to the beach (i never got to) and got in the COLD ocean. Went and saw a firework show later that night.
    Independence Day Met her mothers side of the family at their house with a pool, and some munchies to eat. Got back home and cooked a little desert of apple-crisp for ourselves later that night. (she's Italian and loves cooking, and i stink at it if it doesn't involve a grill ) Later that night, took her out for our first official Dinner/movie date. We went to a nice Italian place and had some specialty pizza, and saw "Avatar: The Last Airbender" after dinner. (yup, i picked it ) We returned that night and enjoyed are freshly backed apple crisp desert from scratch Couldn't of been a better date.
    July 5th Woke up, and had a wonderful homemade pancake breakfast. Her huge family was getting together for a weekend party at her house later in the afternoon. Tons of people came over, tons of DELICIOUS food was served, and tons of fun was enjoyed. I met the rest of her family, and enjoyed my last full day of this trip with her to the fullest.
    July 6th.... The day we have been dreading.. we both woke up early, teary eyed. She dropped me back off in the morning and went to work. We said our first "it's not goodbye, it's see you again soon" and i must say, it's a whole new level of pain not being able to be with her. But, we are beyond eager to set up our next trip. She will hopefully be coming down south to meet my side of the tree.
    Many following trip details and pics in other thread. Again, if you're curious, just follow the link.

    Again, thanks for viewing, and feel free to leave any questions, comments, and so forth.

    Checked out your story! Great pics....and again...welcome!
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      Great story and wonderful pictures . Also why are there never any pictures of you doing some of the cooking? XD

      Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


        hahaha thanks Riyko and Karringtyn he tends to leave the cooking to me he makes the burgers


          Yea, when it comes to the kitchen, i'll stick to the sidelines lol. Now if a grills involved, count me in . We already have set boundaries.
          Kitchen = Hers
          Garage/Man-Cave = mine



            double post

