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Impossible Love

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    Impossible Love

    It was 4 years back when we first met accidentally through an online game...

    Since I've never been a big fan of online community, it was weird that I was hooked in this game I was just introduced. I met him through this game and we just had a fun chat.

    More and more I've learned of him I've become sympathetic of what he has been through in his life. Yet, it was how he expressed himself, interacted and treated me that had stirred something up in my heart.

    We found ourselves not having so much in common, yet how we talked and got along was something that really hit it off. Our minds and thoughts are alike, but our tastes, styles, backgrounds, cultures and the lives we live are completely different. But we surprisingly found that it completes each other's half.

    We are almost 9,000 miles apart. A short description of me is a completely clean, conservative and successful person while he has been through a series of hardship, abusive relationships and countless mistakes during his early life. But because of all mistakes he's made, he has changed to be a new person, with my support.

    Who said it's never too late to start? It seems false for this case...

    Storms after storms hit him where his beautiful child has been, and still, fighting a life-threatening cancer for the second time and he has developed chronic pains to the point that he is considered disabled and unable to perform physical work. I've stood by him through all this.

    Yet, another storm recently hit him which has proved that the unkindness and greediness of human-being has no limit. He's locked up and is now paying the price of someone else's greed.

    After years of a deep, meaningful and very emotional journey we have been through... we are still fighting on our chapter, but I'm losing hope. Everyone here would know how hard it is just on the distance itself (and that's almost 9,000 miles), let alone everything else that comes between our way.

    I don't know how our last chapter will end or whether we will have a sad or happy ending. It's harder to have to say goodbye to the one you love and loves you back, because the pain and love will linger and will not stop. It's painful to have to break it off becasue of other influences than ourselves and it aches the most when you have the impossible love...

    I do understand your story.At this moment of time I can say that if you believe in destiny then leave things to it. Sometimes destiny unfolds many truths and mysteries. Its ways may be appropriate or in appropriate, but sooner or later you will know how the story unfolds.

    And if you believe that your love is strong I will suggest meet him at this tumultuous time of his life.He must be needing you more than anyone else at this moment of time.



      Thank you for sharing your story. ((((HUGS)))
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        Leave it on your destiny and weight for the right time to come. I hope you will get better results.

