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Brittany and Colin :D

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    Brittany and Colin :D

    Hello, my name is Brittany and this is my love story.

    On September 6, 2008, my roommate from my sophomore year in college and I went to my best friend Jeff's fraternity house for a party. Jeff told me that it was also his roommate Colin's birthday that night. Now you might expect that this is the night it all began...but it wasn't. I met Colin, wished him happy birthday, and proceeded to mingle and dance with the many, many people at the house that night.

    Another time I went back just to hang out with Jeff during the day and Colin and I got to know each other better. He had actually rolled out of his bed from a nap wearing Batman PJs. I knew this kid was really cool. AND he also LOVED the Beatles, HUGE points there considering I am one of the biggest Beatles fans you will ever meet.

    After this meeting we became friends on Facebook, commenting on each others statuses and finishing lyrics if the status was a song. In January I went back to the fraternity house for a party with my best friend Rachel. Jeff had had a crush on me since the beginning of high school but it was never reciprocated, so he informed Colin that Rachel was single and he should talk to her. That is not how the night went at all. Colin and I hit if off so well. He would later inform that that night all he wanted to do was talk to me and no one else. He informed me that the Museum of Science in Boston had a Beatles laser light show and we must go together. This was in January of 2009.

    On Valentines Day we had our first date to the Museum of Science. Due to T issues, we missed the Beatles laser show, but checked out the other exhibits there, like the frog exhibit, and had Wendy's after. We also had our first kiss that night. It was the best Valentine's Day I have ever had.

    We are only a little over an hour away, but we still don't get to see each other during the school day on campus like normal couples do or go to bed together at night. We will be going on 2 years on February 28th and time has flown! For our 6 month anniversary we even got to see Paul McCartney together! I graduate from college in May and he follows the year after (5-year program,) so we are planning on closing the gap the summer of 2012!

    And that is our story.

    Welcome to LFAD!!
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      Welcome to the forum..and thats such a nice story.<3 btw, my fiance and I is a BIG BEATLES fan too!!We love all their songs..:-D

