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Loving between an Ocean

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    Loving between an Ocean

    I stumbled upon this site while just looking up random facts on LDRs for entertainment, and it's truly helped reading about others going through the same things. I figured I would share our story so far...

    I met my significant other back in the summer of 2008. We are both self proclaimed nerds, as we met on an internet chat/game. I was still healing from a bad break-up with an ex-fiance, and the last thing I was looking for or needed was another love interest.. But from the beginning, there was always this connection - a sense of familiarity. At first, we merely chatted about generic things, and soon we found our conversations to be lasting all through the hours of my night, and well into his mornings... I'm on the east coast of the US, and he's in France. =(

    We talked for several months, and sort of lost contact around January 2009. Occasionally, we would chat again, but not like we had before. We both had varying schedules, and with the difference in time zones... It was difficult. But yet, even for both of us... When I would occasionally think about him, I would send him an e-mail or vis-versa. July of 2010, we began chatting again. In August, he'd admitted to being in love with me, and had always had a strong love for me. I was always so reluctant and held back, because I never wanted to hold him back if there was someone on the same continent that might make him happy. Of course, I caved and admitted to him how much I cared for him as well...

    Since then, there's been no looking back, only forward. He's planning on visiting within the next few months. It's just a bit difficult as we're both still in school (college). We skype whenever we get the chance, and talk literally every day. There are days he will go without sleep just so we can talk until midnight my time - as we're six hours apart...

    I'm realistic, and I know the chances of this succeeding are beyond slim... But at the same time, he makes me more happy than I am sad. We'll keep going until there's nothing further in sight, but god willing - our future together is in sight...

    Originally posted by Horizondreaming View Post
    I'm realistic, and I know the chances of this succeeding are beyond slim... But at the same time, he makes me more happy than I am sad. We'll keep going until there's nothing further in sight, but god willing - our future together is in sight...
    Negative, Ghostrider. :] Things are only as impossible as you allow them to be. Ya'll have been in contact for going on three years, right? I don't think it's just a coincidence. It seems like ya'll have a really good thing going.


      I wish you the best. LDRs can absolutely work


        The proof that LDR's can work are all on this forum!
        Distance will only be an issue if you let it
        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


          Reading about others who have managed to succeed with an international relationship certainly has given me a spark of hope.


            That's a very sweet story! Just keep your chin and hopes up, keep fighting the distance. You can persevere(:


              Originally posted by Horizondreaming View Post
              Reading about others who have managed to succeed with an international relationship certainly has given me a spark of hope.
              Yes. Dont lose hope.:-) My fiance and i have 16hours time difference. 7382Miles between us. Didnt meet for 11months and 26days (being accurate :-P) coz of limited vacation times. We only have around 2 weeks vacation times. And Flight from USA to Malaysia will take approx 32hours (including transit time for 2 stops). So when we do visiting we will use all the vacation times.:-S Of course there are times we feels so down coz of the distance and there are times we both almost give up..But here we are..keep being strong and we overcome the distance and now living together for almost a month already. Be positive and stay strong!:-)


                double post...
                Last edited by bluepotato1236; February 21, 2011, 03:06 AM. Reason: submit and 2 posts appear..:-S


                  I'm realistic, and I know the chances of this succeeding are beyond slim... But at the same time, he makes me more happy than I am sad.

                  you can't think like that, that mind set, at times i would think like that. When family tells you it might not work, and then you factor in the distance. But your relationship is as strong as you want it to be. If you want to be with that person, and you truly want it to work i think it will
                  I love you Nathan <3
                  5/25/09 <3


                    Hey,i'm in italy, he's in nevada, and we're proving the world that love is WAY stronger than distance.
                    good luck

                    Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.

