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A lvl 80 Human Mage meets paladin... :P

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    A lvl 80 Human Mage meets paladin... :P

    Lol weird title i know.. but thats how we met.. online through WoW. In here i explained how we met, and living in 2 different countries with the Caribbean sea between us.. how we managed to meet and our many troubles in achieving this wonderful relationship that we now have....

    I was just getting out of a terrible 4 yr relationship with some1 who i thought loved me but later realized didn't. Me being the way i am.. was soo afraid of being alone i couldn't tell him i wanted to be alone. But one day.. i managed to tell him that i was transferring servers in World of Warcraft and that i didn't want him to follow me. It wasn't an official breakup, but at least a really close warning.

    So i got into this new server, and just 5 mins after i logged on, i get a msg by some guy amazed at my gear and the fact that i was guildless. We spoke for a bit and he invited me to his guild, which also happened to be the friendliest guild i've ever been in. Their guild leader, a lvl 80 human paladin at that time, welcomed me and showed me around the different things that the guild has.. websites and stuff...

    Being in the ugly relationship that i was in, i embraced this new guild like a life source. I got involved in everything that i could, made friends with a lot of the members and from what my boyfriend has told me, that's when he started to get interested in me. Really soon after i joined, i was leveling a character and i got stuck with a group quest for which i couldn't find a group. I asked for help in the guild, and my paladin came to my rescue :P

    He was really nice and that's how him and i started to talk.. albeit with a little shyness.

    One night we were in an Ulduar raid, and it wasn't going good at all. I could sense that our guild leader, aka the paladin, wasn't having a good day.. so i sent him a tell and told him "You sound like you need a hug." at the time, i didn't know he was already interested in me, i thought i was just being friendly, and since i was still in a relationship i wasn't really looking for a new one but this was just another step that helped to kinda break the ice between the 2 of us.

    Then things really got bad between me and my bf of that time.. and i felt like I really needed to let him go. Like i said, i was extremely afraid of being alone and losing the person that was my best friend for 4 or so years.. or at least i thought he was my best friend.

    I needed some1 to talk to urgently because that was the hardest thing i had done in my life till then.. and every1 i knew in real life was either busy or not around and so.. the only person i felt i could at least talk to.. was him... the paladin. :P

    Thats when i really opened up, i told him everything including every reason why i wanted to break up.. why i was so afraid of doing it and why i needed some1. He was the most amazing person ever. He spoke to me calmly, he was there to give me strength and faith in my decision, and he did it in a way which made me feel i was being completely and totally reasonable. And so i managed to break up with my ex, but at the same time, i gained a new best friend.

    From then on.. we spoke every day, spend HOURS chatting and laughing. It was the most amazing summer of my entire life.

    On the 25th of june, he went out with his best friend for his birthday so i spent the day lonely. But when he came back that night he offered to make new characters and level them up together, and so we did. And as we leveled a rogue and a warrior together.. we started to fall in love... spending time every day, getting to know each other and flirting outrageously with each other.

    We were about level 73 or so on those characters by august 15. I was already back in college and that night was one of my friend's birthdays. So i went, and i had a few drinks... but let me explain a few things.....

    The past few days, were a little hard for me, because i already knew i had fallen in love with him, but I live in Colombia (south america) and he lives in USA. So i didn't know what to do.. i wasn't sure if we should calm down and just be friends.. or really try a long distance relationship that had almost no way of actually being successful. International long distance relationship are VERY different... its harder to be together.

    Many times before i was really tempted of saying those 3 little words that could irreversibly forever change our relationship.. but i felt he also wanted to say them to me.

    ... SO i came home from my friend's birthday party, having had a few drinks... and it was like 2am of the 16th.. I got on my computer and i msged him to see if he was still online.. and he was... and those drinks had a huge effect on me.. because without thinking... without realizing what i was doing.. i told him "i missed you sooo much and i love you"

    as soon as i said that he told me that he loved me too that he had been dying to tell me... ♥

    But as those 3 words were sending towards him with no way of me stopping it.. my mind was being reasonable again and i got afraid.. because i didnt want to give my heart to some1 who i could never be with...

    so as he told me he loved me i had to tell him that i didn't know if what i did was the right thing to do... because he probably couldn't come to visit me.. and i didn't want to be in a relationship like that... obviously i couldn't go visit him.. i live in South America.. i need a visa to go into USA and I live more specifically in Colombia.. a country that is known for drug dealing and guerrilla so for him to visit me was going to be a HUGE challenge.

    but he said he loved me.. and that he wanted to be with me.. that we'd figure out how to be together.. and he promised he was going to visit me. I wanted him to come that christmas.....soooo

    On october that same year.. he went to NYC with his dad. While he was there, he told his dad about his relationship with me. Apparently his dad took it really calmly.. not too bad.. but once his mom found out it was terrible. We broke up for 3 days.. the worst 3 days ever... his mom would NOT let him come visit me AT ALL... our relationship was doomed.

    But we were still in love.... and in those terrible 3 days.. we wanted nothing but be together.. with our relationship as we've been having it.... so we got back together.. and decided that we would find a way...

    about a week or so later.. his mom spoke to him.. and asked him if we were still together.. he told her we were.. and she decided that if he was going to come visit me.. he had to come down with his father.. and that it couldnt be during xmas but for 3 days during his spring break.

    We took what we could. Our parents spoke to each other via email.. and agreed on a few things made arrangements and stuff... spring break FINALLY arrived.. and we met.. in person for the first time ever.

    Since then he has come 2 other times.. the second time he came.. about a year after we first met he proposed to me.. our wedding is set for dec this year.. and we're still very VERY much in love.. and every day its just better than the day before.


    I know i've written a LOT but there is just soo much to say lol... hope it was at least entertaining...


    I'm also glad to read about someone else who plays WoW! ^.^

    And welcome to the forums, that was a very inspiring story.




        I don't play WoW, but a lot of my friends do. Anyway, your story is so cute.
        "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
        a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
        which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
        - Rainer Maria Rilke

        "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
        regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
        The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
        - an ancient Chinese belief

