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Two weeks in England last summer that changed my life...

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    Two weeks in England last summer that changed my life...

    I am from Michigan, USA, he is from England.

    Last year, a friend and I planned a trip to London in the summer. We both had never been out of the country and were very excited, and joked about shopping, running around the city and going out to the bars every night and meeting cute English guys.

    Until..... she ended up meeting an English guy online a few months before our trip. They decided they really were serious about each other and planned to meet during our London trip. They would be spending our whole London trip together. Our whole "two single girls in a foreign country" scenario was not going to be played. I got over it, telling myself I would still have a good time. A few weeks before our trip, her guy's roomate/good friend, Michael, messaged me on Facebook, saying that he figured since the two of them would be spending a lot of time together, he was thinking we could meet up. It caught me by surprise, and before I messaged him back, I figured it was an attempted "set up" and got kind of irritated (I dislike set ups!!) but I confirmed with my friend that it was not a set up, and he had messaged me on his own terms.

    Michael and I talked over Facebook a bit more before my trip, just friendly chat. He did come to London and we met for the first time and spent the day whole day together. After it was over, I wasn't sure what to think. A few days later, I found out he "fancied me" (they use such cute words) and I was surprised, and admitted my feelings as well.

    Needless to say, we ended up spending the rest of my trip together and enjoyed being around each other. During my trip the thought of a LDR never popped into my head, I guess I just tried to tell myself not to get attached because it would be impossible for us to be together. The night before I left we found ourselves more upset then we ever thought and realized we had developed more than just a "fling". When I returned back to the US, we started Skyping a lot and discussed a LDR, and decided we could both be committed, and would give it a try. He has visited me in the states twice now and I have been to England for a second time and we have met each others parents and family, both families couldn't be happier. We have also been on mini trips to Amsterdam and Chicago and want to see more of the world together.

    Although every day I wish we didn't have to suffer through a LDR, I also think how lucky I am to have met someone special...I would never meet a guy like him here in the states! So I guess everything good in life doesn't exactly come easy....

    Unfourtantly right now, we are kind of stuck....we do not have a date to next see each other(he was last here 3 weeks ago), or any ideas for being together in the future, though we both agreed that is what we want. I work part time and go to school part time and he works full time and has almost used up all his vacation time already this year. Though both of us have said that we would be willing to make the move to the others country, both of us are now being stubborn and it still hasn't progressed much. I won't be done with school for at least 2 more years and I am hoping to be with him before then but I am not sure if studying in England is in my budget or degree program. My family keeps being very selfish and pressuring me to get him to move here, but I am not going to force him or pressure him to do that and I wish they would get off my back!

    It is my turn to go to England next, but flights are more expensive in the summer, well close to $1,000(200-300 more than I was spending in the off season, which was already expensive) and it is just adding more to how hard this really is.

    We are trying to be strong and take things as they come, and hopefully figure something out in the next year....

    thanks for reading, if you have any honest comments, suggestions, or anything, please let me know. thanks!

    That's such a cute story and you're lucky you found a guy with a hot accent hahahah! My boyfriend is actually from Michigan... I've been there three times already and I love it so much

    The only thing that I could say (if you haven't done it yet) is probably talk to your parents and tell them it bothers you how they are trying to pressure him to go live in the states. Maybe tell them that you still have time to think about it and you will base your decision on what the best thing for both of you is. If you will have a better future in England then maybe you'll have to move there you know!

    I know it's hard not being able to see each other as often as you would like, trust me. You just have to be strong and be positive if you ever need help or you just want to vent we're always here

    Also, I'm just a bit curious.. Is your friend still with the guy? :P

    I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
    I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


      That is such an adorable story! Thank you for sharing!


        Originally posted by AllieBaba View Post
        That's such a cute story and you're lucky you found a guy with a hot accent hahahah! My boyfriend is actually from Michigan... I've been there three times already and I love it so much

        The only thing that I could say (if you haven't done it yet) is probably talk to your parents and tell them it bothers you how they are trying to pressure him to go live in the states. Maybe tell them that you still have time to think about it and you will base your decision on what the best thing for both of you is. If you will have a better future in England then maybe you'll have to move there you know!

        I know it's hard not being able to see each other as often as you would like, trust me. You just have to be strong and be positive if you ever need help or you just want to vent we're always here

        Also, I'm just a bit curious.. Is your friend still with the guy? :P
        Yes my friend is still with her guy, they are in the process of a visa and plan on getting married and living in the US. I guess that is why my parents are trying to pressure my boyfriend to move here, because they see what our friends are doing and think its just so easy to do the same. It's definitely not, and their relationship has moved a lot faster than ours as well because they knew what they wanted right away.

        That is awesome that your boyfriend is from Michigan!! I'm glad you like it here and its nice to see there is some people with LDR in the mitten/canada! So what area is he from, how did you meet him?

        Thanks for the advice!


          Awww okay so it looks like your parents are trying to compare you with your friend :/ I'm sure it'd be easy for them if your boyfriend just moved there but sometimes it's not that simple. My mom is not pressuring me to get him to come live here but she's made it very clear that that's what she wants, haha... so I understand a little bit how you're feeling.

          I met my boyfriend on this little gaming site about 5 years ago but we've only been together for about 3 years and 4 months. He lives in a little town called Richmond, so peaceful there! I don't know if you've heard about it but it's close to Port Huron. Now he's at Olivet (3 hours west of Richmond) because of college.. where do you live?!

          I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
          I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


            LOL, when i met "my american" i thought that i could never find a boy like him in Europe! But yes, being half british, i must admit that british boys are quite lovely. i can't give much advice, i'm kind of stuck in your same situation, if not that i'm thinking of moving to the states once i'm done with uni just and mostly because i'm fine with speaking english, while my boyfriend still hasn't learnt how to count to 5 in italian <3
            just wait, you may find a job opportunity there, or he might in america, or you guys might decide one day to move to new york or something almost half way :P
            just hold on, and have faith in love, and in finding flights last minute, because yes i know how expensive the flights get in the summer!!
            thanks for sharing, i wish you the best of luck

            Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


              That is an adorable story!!! I hope everything works out in the end. Welcome to the forums and we hope to hear more of you!
              I can't imagine being LDR in different countries!!! That's crazy talk! Again, best of luck!


                My boyfriend also lives in England so I know how expensive those flights can be. Have you thought about doing a semester or year abroad? I did a semester in England a couple of years ago, and it was about the same price as a semester at my home university. I paid nothing out of pocket for it, and I actually got so much money in scholarships that I had extra money just for me. The only extra things I had to pay for were books, traveling, and souvenirs. Since you have two years left, this is actually the perfect time to start planning. Just a thought from my personal experience. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Welcome to the forum!
                "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

                "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

                Met: August 22, 2010
                Made it official: September 17, 2010
                Got engaged: January 15, 2012
                Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
                Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
                Got married: November 21, 2012
                Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
                Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                  Aww welcome to LFAD! this so sweeett! i met my SO when i do solo traveling in Hongkong-Macau. I know the feeling when we stand on last day, i break down and cry when saw him walking to the gate, but he return again to hug me once more!

                  *sigh* traveling never been this good! haha i think you agree with me about this too! even if we got lost but as long as there was a friend, heehe i feel its better!

                  Uhmm estimate cost to fly from Jakarta, Indonesia to Frankfurt, return is between us$900 to us$1300 i dont know how we could make it, but i got my visa.. we will get the flights!

