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It Took Us 12 Years

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    It Took Us 12 Years

    Sorry this is so long! But, there's 12 years of history involved in this one!

    Well, the story of us goes back to September of 1999. We were both 7 years old and we went to elementary school together. One day, we just randomly made up this game that we called "Dog Catcher." We'd run up to each other and yell "Dog Catcher!" and start chasing each other around. A friendship was formed almost instantly and he quickly became one of my best friends. When I was 9 years old, I had my first crush on him. I wrote in my journal "I love Anthony and I will marry him." We remained best friends through the awkward stages of middle school and all the way through high school. Over the years, I had liked him 4 times at least. I was always afraid to go out with Anthony, even though all of our friends told us we'd be perfect together. In my junior year of high school, I had a huge crush on some guy and I asked him to junior prom. He said he wasn't going with anyone in particular, just by himself so he could hang out with everyone. I was heartbroken. Anthony asked me to junior prom. I turned him down, a move I regret to this day. I later found out, at junior prom, that the guy I wanted to go with stabbed me in the back, betrayed me, and went with another girl. I'll admit, I was a bit ashamed in high school because I was an outsider and nerdy. So was Anthony and I was terrified of what other people would think. The next year, he asked me to senior prom...I accepted immediately because that whole year I REALLY liked him a lot and I knew after prom I'd never see any of those kids who tormented us again. I finally stopped caring what other people thought and was proud to go with him, even if it was just as friends. The summer was bittersweet because he would be going to college at the end of August, 7 hours and 360 miles away. We lived 2 minutes away from each other our entire lives. I knew I couldn't let Anthony go off to college without telling him how I felt and at least letting him know. If he went away and I didn't tell him how I really felt, it would have killed me if he came back with a girlfriend. But, I held back and was absolutely terrified of asking Anthony out because I felt for some reason he’d say no. I was also afraid of ruining our lifelong friendship. I talked to my friends and I knew I was in love with him and I wasn't even with him yet. My friends gave me the green light to ask him out. August 17th, I went to the pool with Anthony, our friends, John, Alyssa and Dan. John and Alyssa are a couple and had been trying to get Anthony to ask me out for months. We went to Subway and then I was going to go home, but Anthony went with them. He'd left his things in my car and went to pick them up. As he walked towards John's car, he locked the doors on Anthony. He wasn't letting him back in until he asked me out. So, Anthony came back to my car and opened the door. "Can I ask you something?" I said "Sure." I knew exactly what was coming. My heart was racing and I thought it was going to jump out of my chest. I wanted to throw up. He asked if I wanted to go out sometime and I immediately replied "Of course." He said "Great. See you later." and ran off. I smiled like a doofus and started crying tears of joy. I drove away and could not stop smiling. I was shaking as I drove and I couldn't get home fast enough. I wanted to tell someone, anyone. I kept yelling it out in my car as I drove. "Oh my God! Anthony asked me out! ANTHONY ASKED ME OUT!" I bolted through the door and screamed "Anthony asked me out!" That was a great feeling. We had our first date on August 24th, when we went to the movies and saw "The Switch." Anthony left for college on September 1st and we decided to go for long distance. Best decision ever. We have been together almost 8 blissful months, we talk almost every day, and Anthony comes home once every few months for breaks. I visited him almost a month ago up at school. In total, we will be long distance for 6-7 years most likely. However, the distance will temporarily be closed during most of our summers off from school. We love each other so much, and are still best friends as well as a couple. <3

    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

    Such a beautiful story Jen! Thanks for sharing...

