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8800 miles apart? 16 hour time difference? We can make it.

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    8800 miles apart? 16 hour time difference? We can make it.

    I met Donovan Arellano on one day on July 18th. He came along and commented on one of my pictures, a Dragon Age fanart. He was a gamer, a picky gamer, like me, and he couldn't resist picking out all the things that were wrong that somehow I couldn't have seen while drawing the picture. (Call myself a Dragon Age fan?)

    I grew annoyed. With the stubborn, nature I had I felt challenged when he pointed out the things that were wrong, it set off a debate that lasted for 3 hours, topics stretching from Dragon Age, to Mass Effect, games of different kinds. When I had lost, I actually collapsed on my bed, mentally worn out and thinking, That was the most annoying guy I had ever met. Period.

    I've met guy gamers before.. sure... gamers that played games that were easy like Dota or Maple Story that populated Chinese male population in my school. Being a Chinese girl raised strictly, I was often told I would have to marry a Chinese man. So.. I dated a lot of Chinese guys, and it was... uneventful.

    Coming home and logging on, somehow Donovan was always there and we would chat (debate more like it) for hours and I felt more annoyed each time I lost. I would complain about him to my friends, constantly about how I just couldn't win. Every topic imaginable. Lost. They laughed back and teased, "Sounds like you're falling hard for this guy." I would look appalled and reply, "I can never EVER imagine that."

    One day, I came home broken from a long day of being teased by my classmates. I wasn't very popular and with my kind of personality, somehow people found it fun to tease me. I logged on and he was there, but instead, he was sweet, kind and understanding... and he comforted me... and never had I felt so safe in my life before... waking up the next morning with him in my thoughts I knew I had fallen in love.

    My friends gave me support and I confessed to him one day and he said he liked me back and we decided to give this long distance thing a shot.

    It definitely WAS NOT easy. He lives in Los Angeles, California and I live in Malaysia. The distance was phenomenal and the time difference was difficult. He is 18 and I am 15. We knew people would object and the stress killed me inside. The next problem was that we both knew, when summer was over, and school started it was going to be a lot harder.

    We ran into a lot of snags. A LOT of snags. More than I would ever admit. And we did argue, not often, but... enough to make me upset. But he assured me... everyday... that he would wait for me and I will wait for him too. We overcame every problem we face together, may it be religion, race, or the occasional, "I want you to stop playing steam for a bit and talk to me."

    Now we have been dating for 8 months and counting! The feeling is indescribable when I think about how lucky I am to have found him. He's sweet, sensitive, kind, funny, smart and not to mention handsome. We even made plans to meet up, though it's 2 years away, we love each other very much and I'll wait for him for as long as it takes. We arranged schedules to talk, making it work everyday despite school, exams, and jobs. We send each other presents may it be his birthday, Christmas or Valentine's Day.

    Its a online relationship. But the love is all too real.

    I love you Aurelio Donovan Arellano.

    What a wonderful story. My boyfriend and I met on an internet forum, there were times, before we started talking via AIM that I thought he was obnoxious and he even said some things that were hurtful to me from time to time, however, I enjoyed the conversations that we had. We both posted daily in a 'chit chat' thread and I found myself looking for his posts, and responding to him more and more.

    Eventually we took the conversation to AIM, and we've been talking nonstop ever since. It's funny, when people ask how long we've been communicating, it's been since September 2008, and then daily for almost 18 months now. I remember the moment it dawned on me that I had feelings for him...

    I had been seeing someone else, who was moving and we had decided to not continue the relationship. I was on vacation in Italy, sitting there, feeling sorry for myself and I realized how much I just wanted to talk to my now boyfriend. I felt like such a fool for denying the connection we had and lost, because I didn't know if he felt the same way.

    It took time but I eventually broke down his walls, however, I wasn't willing to begin a relationship without having met first. In the beginning I tried to tell myself that I was crazy, that it would never work out and I went on a few dates ... they all ended up with me back at home, my boyfriend not knowing I was crying and me describing why I just couldn't see the man I had just been out with again.

    For him he must have thought I was the pickiest person in the world, but it's because my heart already belonged to him.

    I was so nervous when we first me, because I had these feelings and everyone always says - you can't love someone you haven't met. I was open to the possibility that the feelings I had for him wouldn't be there when we met -- but they were. I hope that your friends give credit to the relationship that you're in and wish you both nothing but the best.

    Stay strong and the two years will fly by and hopefully, before you know it, you'll be in each others arms.


      <3 Thank you for sharing your story, it is really sweet and I'm glad you two had a chance to meet. :3 I think you said that, might be a typo XD *hugs* And it may be just optimism but I know we'll meet one day, Donovan and I.


        Every time I hear this story I tear up<3 and everyday I add something new to it ; D <3 I mean WE add something new, isn't that right my Ai Ren? <3 I love you Jia Yee ;3 always and forever<3


          Of course you can. My boyfriend and I are international as well. Over 8000 miles and also have a 16 hour time difference between us. I understand the being unsure of being so far away, the parents not understanding/supportive, the trying to work around each other's schedules to spend time together. I was raised in a chinese family as well, but in Singapore. Many similarities. (; I wish you guys all the best, and if you ever feel like no one understands, look for me. (:


            sure you can make it. good luck, stay strong, always

            Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


              Originally posted by 13000km View Post
              Of course you can. My boyfriend and I are international as well. Over 8000 miles and also have a 16 hour time difference between us. I understand the being unsure of being so far away, the parents not understanding/supportive, the trying to work around each other's schedules to spend time together. I was raised in a chinese family as well, but in Singapore. Many similarities. (; I wish you guys all the best, and if you ever feel like no one understands, look for me. (:
              Wow! *big hug* There are loads of similarities! But can I ask you, how DID you tell your parents? Because I'm afraid of telling mine as they not very supportive of the whole ' internet friends' thing. I told them I only had internet friends and they flipped out and scolded me for 3 hours. But I don't want them to ban me from seeing Donovan and it'll hurt him so much if they ban me from seeing him.


                I started dropping his name in conversations. They'd ask who is that? And I'd say a guy from the US I met online. I had other online friends as well that they knew about, and I tried to bring them up more often as well so it didn't seem too weird. Of course when I first started making friends online I got the lecture about how the internet is a dangerous place...

                Then some 6-7 months later I said I wanted to go up to the US to see him. By that time, I had talked about him so much they could guess I was interested in him. But they still weren't supportive of the idea, saying I don't know him well enough and how it's not safe for me, being a girl to go up there on my own. My dad eventually started warming up to the idea, but my mum was still set against it. Unfortunately for her, I am a working adult and earning my own money, so she really couldn't stop me. To help them feel more comfortable with it I introduced my boyfriend to them on skype, and my parents and his parents exchanged emails.

                Since your parents already know about your internet friends, start talking about them more, and how much positive impact they've had in your life. Take things one step at a time. I've learned it's best not to shock/surprise the parents when it comes to their baby girl. /:


                  Ahem... You 13000km.... are my saviour <3333333 Thanks for the kickass advice! I'll definitely do... something like that x3


                    Nice story..:-) You will be able to make it if you both really wants to make it work. Good Luck!.. Im living in Malaysia too and my fiance from the USA.Im raised in strict chinese family too..:-P But we make it work.. Next month we gonna get married. So no matter whats the obstacles is..if two people really committed and want to make it work, there will always be a way...All the best in your relationship! :-)


                      I really hope you get to see him!
                      My girl is about that far away. I'm in California, she's in Australia. Currently there's a 17 hour time difference. Ugh, time zones can be ridiculous sometimes. /:


                        Your story reminds me of my boyfriend and I , even though time difference isn't as big between the two of us (just 1 hour) but cause we're pretty different - religion, country, etc. Still, we've been together for 7 months And I can't imagine life without him.I hope to meet him face to face soon. Good luck to you!


                          Me and my bf is about 7000 miles away, and getting stronger after our 1st meeting a year ago (we met as friend and decided in relationship 2 months after our meeting).
                          Distance and time difference wont be anything for love!

