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Finally an item! :)

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    Finally an item! :)

    Hello, everybody! My name is Shannon and I thought I'd share my story with you guys.

    So about 5 years ago, I started collecting these asian ball-jointed dolls, and I decided to join a forum so I could talk to other people that shared my interests. I met a nice girl on there from Brazil, and I started talking to her online, and eventually started reading her LiveJournal.

    She's back in Brazil now, but at the time she was attending college in Orlando, Florida. She would go home every 6 months or so to see her family and post pictures and stories of her travels on her journal. She would post pictures of the things she did, her family, friends, etc.

    She posted pictures of her friend Marc, and was explaining how people always confuse him for her boyfriend, etc. But the moment I laid eyes on Marc's picture, I was hooked. He was wearing a t-shirt from my favorite band, and he was just completely adorable and handsome. I have to say I was incredibly smitten from that moment.

    Casually, I commented that he was pretty hot. Unbeknownst to me, he happened to be following her journal as well, and saw my comment. He shyly replied "thank you!" We then added each other on LiveJournal, and exchanged iChat usernames.

    So later on he called me on iChat video, and we just started talking. We learned so much about each other, and realized how perfect we would be as a couple if he were a little closer. He's even only 4 days apart from me in age! We kind of cried about it a bit, and whined, asking why is life unfair, etc. Saying we'd totally fall in love with each other if we could JUST be together.

    We remained close through the years, occasionally chatting here and there. I loved him deeply but didn't want to go into it further, because he had a girlfriend then, and I gained a boyfriend, and lost a boyfriend, and gained one... (they came and went during this time period.)

    I didn't realize he was into me as much as I was into him, so we just maintained a very close and personal relationship with each other.

    In 2008, he decided to come to the USA for graduate school. I jokingly (only half seriously) asked him to come to school in Philadelphia, but he ended up choosing the same school his friend went to in Orlando. Later that year, I finally flew down to meet our friend, but making sure he would be around so I could finally meet him.

    Things were tense between us. I was totally shy and not sure what to say to him. Our friend recalls that we always stuck close to each other, following the other around, even though we weren't saying much. She said she could tell there was serious chemistry between us. I had no idea how much there was, but he let me know later what he was feeling while I was there.

    Nothing ended up happening between us, and I flew back home at the end of the week. For the next two years, he'd ask me a couple times if I'd come and see him again. I wanted to, but I had a boyfriend, and I didn't know what he thought of me, or what he'd expect. We never ever mentioned any desires to be more than friends since the first couple times we chatted, so I didn't want to assume anything.

    Of course to him he assumed it meant that he was just stupidly in love with me and I wanted nothing to do with him, but that was not the case.

    Finally, in late 2010, Marc informed me that he had bought a ticket to come and see me in January 2011. Still not knowing what to expect, but being very excited to see him, I was elated. We started talking a lot again, this time actually telling each other what it was we wanted. We were both single, finally, and we became a couple officially on January 3rd of this year. We see each other every 2-3 weeks. Unfortunately I can only go for a weekend at a time, and when he sees me, he has to spend a day away from me, since I have to work.

    I'm so happy that we finally ended up together, and I can say without a doubt he's the best I've ever had. I just love him so much.

    Hope you guys enjoyed my story. It was a little long, then I lost track of what I was writing, so I'm sorry if it just kind of drops off.

    It's so nice to meet everybody!

    I love my Brazilian. Do you love yours too?

    Very cute story!

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


      That is such a cute story! i'm glad you two ended up together, good luck for the future <3

      Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


        Thank you guys!

        Luckily we both are able to see each other like every 2-3 weeks, and there IS an end date in sight. When his lease is up in October he's going to get an apartment with me. Unfortunately then he has to go back to Florida for 2 months and stay at friends' houses while he finishes his degree, but then in December, he's ALL MINE!

        I love my Brazilian. Do you love yours too?


          Nice story!All the best in your relationship!:-)

