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It all started with a Facebook reguest... :)

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    It all started with a Facebook reguest... :)

    So, September 2009, my close friend started talking to a guy from Canada who she had met through one of our friends. They dated for about 3 months but it didnt work out. He added me on FB and while they were together we talked occaionally and on skype. When they broke up, me and him also lost contact but still had eachother on FB.
    July 30th 2010, my other close friend (who had been talking to him for a few weeks) came round my house for the night and sorta 're-introduced' us. We got on really well still, and had an awesome night of skyping and pissing about. The next day, i saw him come online so I decided to talk to him so a while. He took my msn and we carried on talking. He always said one day he'd come and visit me. After a couple of days, it got to the stage where i missed him when he wasnt online, and i couldnt wait to talk to him everyday, it sounds crazy but i actually started having feelings for him within a few days! We used to flirt loads and talk about stuff. I had been having a hard time at school with a fall out (not just any old fall out, i was accused of trying to split up my friends relationship, she goes ott with things and it really got out of hand.) He was really supportive and let me rant to him and helped me out.

    So 3rd august in the early hours of the morning, we confessed to eachother that we liked eachother and how we felt. It was such an amazing feeling to know that he liked me as much as i liked him!
    We never made it official on FB until the 8th august because i was worried what people would say, expecially my parents. So we kept it quiet for a while. When it went public though, i got so much sh*t for it - people saying stuff and taking the piss. It really got to me but he was always there for me.

    For the rest of the school holidays, i'd stay up till 4am just to talk to him, i'd wait until he got home from work at about 3am my time just to talk to him for an hour.
    His friends supported us, and i got on well with them too. He used to cancel going out with them sometimes just to talk to me longer. His friends actually used to talk to me sometimes too.
    We spoke to our parents and organised for him to come and stay with me and my family for a few weeks, i was so surprised when the both agreed to let him come over! So, we began the countdown to our first meeting.
    There were times that i really felt like i couldnt do long distance, but i couldnt let him go, he was just too amazing to let slip away.

    The time drew closer to him actually coming here, i had so many mixed emotions! I was excited and happy to see him, but also so so nervous about it. Some many things were going in my head like "What if he doesnt like me" etc.

    Then the day came. 15th December 2010. I was so nervous waiting in the airport. I'd never been so nervous in my life. im about to do my Drama GCSE exam and im not even as nervous about that as i was when i was waiting for him in that airport. When he finally came through the doors, my legs went to jelly but i was so happy! We had an amazing few weeks together, he was even more amazing than i first thought. Xmas day was also amazing It was also on Christmas day that we both lost our V to eachother
    When it was time for him to go back, as you can imagine there were a lot of tears, i cried for like 2 days straight >.< It was terrible. But we have so many memories.

    It wasnt long before we booked the flight for him to come back, we we're both so excited! the time we spent apart was a lot easier this time round but i still missed him like crazy I spent most of the time stressed about school work but he was so understanding and offered to help me out all the time.

    22nd April 2011 - Sud was due back to the UK. I wasnt so nervous this time, i was mostly just excited and fed up of waiting for him in the airport XD When i saw him, i literally ran and jumped onto him, just like in the movies. It was the most amazing feeling to be in his arms again >.< We had such an amazing time again, we watched the Royal Wedding together, we went on a walk with my brother round where i live and also took him to the woods. We just have a generally awesome time When he left again, it wasnt so bad as the first time as we knew when he was gonna be back, because last time neither of us had any idea >.< When he left, i managaed not to cry too much, but when i got back, i went into his bedroom and saw that he had left me a really cute not on the table for me >.< I then did cry a bit >.< I slept in his room that night and have done since he left Sunday.

    Before i met him, and started a LDR, i would never have thought it was possible. But this has shown my how strong i am mentally and tested me to my limits, but all has come out on the other side even stronger. We are now arranging another date for him to come in august

    So, thats my story so far

    You guys are adorable!! Very sweet story, and best of luck

    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


      yah...its so nice....goodluck guys...


        You guys look like a very cute couple! Good luck on your relationship!
        National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
        National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

        Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


          Wwww such a adorable couple n story!


            OMG!(: awwwwhe this remind meh of me and my baby he set me a request on facebook xDD this story realllllllyyyyy gives me hope !' <3 adorable couple!


              Thanks everyone
              @Tori101010, I read your story and i thought "Woo someone else met their SO because of facebook! XD

              Little update on us: We have set a rough date to close the distance - April/May 2012 And its only 6 days until he is back in the UK to see me !


                VERY cute! BEST of wished && I hope you all have a great time when you are reunited in 6 days <3


                  ikr ! i thought it was very cool as wellxDD


                    Aww..what a cute and sweet story I admire your relationship and wish you the best of luck
                    "Love wins everything especially fear."


                      What an amazing story....You guys are so cute together! I wish you both the best of've given me a lot of hope and strength...thank you


                        Thanks Good luck to you too!


                          This is so cute! You two are an adorable couple.


                            This made me cry reading it. I love happy stories! So sweet (:


                              Originally posted by NineInchNails_x View Post
                              This made me cry reading it. I love happy stories! So sweet (:
                              Funny you say that, my best friend cried one night when she was over my house because she read this and saw me and him on skype and saw how cute we were!
                              Thanks guys

