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My childhood sweetheart.

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    My childhood sweetheart.

    Well, Its been a few weeks since i've joined this incredible site, and i feel like I should publish "our" story.

    Every 2 years me and my family take a vacation to the Philippines and just just enjoy our time back on Philippine Sand. It all started back in 2005 when we took a boat to reach an Island called Bicol where my grandma lives. Our house was at the top of the street, and my cousins house was down at the very bottom. it was my first time ever meeting my cousin, but she also brought along her friend that lived next door. I didn't think much of her Friend, i didn't like her at first she was a pirate in her own world, Nika was her name. being children we were back then, there wasn't much to do on an island deprived of technology, so we just played out on the street all day in the blistering sun.

    When it got too hot we'd go for a swim in the beach which was only a block away from our house. we had our fun, talked, relaxed, and messed around all the time. she started growing on me, but when the day arrived we had to leave, i just waved bye to a friend. 2007 rolls in, we come back and i remember the first day of arriving, i immediately went over my cousins house, and there she was, sitting down playing a hand game with my cousin. We all re introduced ourselves in case either one of us forgot who we were, but i didn't. we did everything together as usual, and eventually i started liking her. I'd tease her every now and then to grab her attention. so we'd argue, like little kids. the cutest and most pointless arguements you could make haha.

    My cousin caught on to my game, and would tease me and her always asking if i was her bf and she was my gf, Me and Nika would always respond in disgust when we heard her talk about us like that. then we'd argue again , not with hatred, but to hide the feelings we were feeling inside. still, we were young and i didn't know what i felt for her. however the last day we spent at Bicol, early in the morning before we left, i took a step outside our house, looked down the street, and there she was, sitting down staring back at me. we stared for 20 minutes until a jeep rolled by and people started putting our luggage inside. My uncle witnessed us staring and teased me about her before i left, but i told him it was nothing.

    2009, i see her again for the first time in 2 years, and i just see an angel who lost her wings. my emotions for her grew and grew every day the more we spent time together. even during night, we'd take night walks around the neighborhood and just talk, talk, chase each other and then sit down to watch the starry sky. i had a hunch she liked me, but i did nothing to try and test it. My uncle also had a hunch. The last day we spent in Bicol, i finally gave in and told my uncle i liked Nika. then he told me, she has a crush on me too. i looked back down the street and there she was, waving goodbye. i smiled and waved, but only to hide the pain of leaving her again.

    Summer of 2011, approximately 2 months and 7 days ago, we arrived back in Bicol, I saw her again for the first time, doing laundry outside her house, she looked up and smiled at me, i turned to jelly because she was just so gorgeous without trying, while doing the laundry! well we arrived in time for the Fiesta, a 3 day 3 night dance and feast. we'd always ask each other back and forth to see if the other would go, Lots of saying no, but i finally told her I'd go if she went, and she said she'd go. The first day of the fiesta, i woke up with one thought on my mind, "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DANCE!" i still commited though and went to the fiesta, before going in, we dressed up for the occasion, and she looked beautiful under the starry sky, her eyes really did twinkle from the light. my cousin and her 2 sisters went with us. we were all nervous of dancing first, but my cousin was experienced and went first, i decided i'd try my luck and go with her and dance. BLEH! i spazzed my arms and looked like an idiot. but i made Nika laugh :]. i guess they felt bad, so they decided to join us too.

    A couple hours of party music, and it all changes, the songs turn into sweet, slow romantic songs. everyone on the dance floor leaves, but the couples. i knew i was gonna ask her, but i was too nervous. i watched as 4 guys asked her right in front of me. she rejected all 4 and i decided i'd ask before someone else did. she rejected me at first, but i persuaded her, and after a little tug from my uncle who whispered something into her ear before she took my hand. but i was happy :]. everyone around us started yelling and wooing us, she got embarassed! but this was our first dance, and i wasn't going to let anyone ruin our moment. We slow danced two songs before she decided that was enough and sat back down. she on the opposite end of the table across from me(still trying to hide her affection for me ^^).

    One night, when i couldn't go out for our usual night walk, Nika was left alone with my cousin her sisters and my uncle. I asked my uncle the next day what they did last night, and he told me that Nika was quiet, sad, didn't talk. and when everyone went back home, she stayed back and talked to him. he told me she was going to truly miss me when i left, and he told her to have a serous conversation with me, a one on one, no one else and to just talk whatever she wanted to talk about. so the next night during our night walk, we stopped by the beach, sat down on the sand, and i heard her whisper to my cousins ear "can you leave with my sisters for 5 minutes?" i need to ask Tobby something." i pretended like i didn't hear. so i asked her why they left. she told me she wanted to ask me something.

    she asked me if i liked her, i gave her some suspense just to see her face reaction, looked worrying, so i said yes i do! then i asked her the same thing, she said yes as well. after that there was 2 minutes of silence. just acknowledging the fact our crush liked us too. then she asked me, "what now?" i told her, "are we us now?" she said, " i don't know, are we?" i said, "yes, yes we are." i was so happy, i grabbed her hand, held it, and swayed it up and down. just laughing out loud looking like a fool. but i was so happy.

    We only had a week left before we left, and we knew the inevitable was coming, we spent the most time we could together, but her grandma dissaproved of her being in a relationship, so we had to hide being "us" during the day. unfortunately a storm hit us on the last few days. and we couldn't spend time together. the night before we left. we had our last moment together, down by the beach, the wind was roaring, slightly drizzling, but there i stood, in the pitch black with Nika in my arms, holding her, comforting her. i told her we could handle this, and i loved her with my entire soul and being. she was speechless, and just cried her eyes out. i held her tighter trying not to cry, but i did. her mom was calling for her to get back home eyeballing us from down the street, her mom couldn't know, so our goodbye, wasn't the goodbye i wanted it to be.

    The next day, she went to school because she didn't want to see me leave, and that it would only hurt her more. i understood, but i wanted to say goodbye one more time. i couldn't. i gave my uncle my sweatshirt, and told him to give it to her when she came back, i also wrote her a letter, along with a picture of me, and gave it to him. in that letter i promised her our future together, i wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Call me crazy, i know, shes my high school sweetheart and i plan on sticking with her for the rest of my life, being separated for now is only going to test us if its truly meant to be, and don't doubt us, we'll pass with flying colors. . Out of the 7107 islands that make up the Philippines, we went to this one little island where i found my soulmate. For now we plan on finishing school, until i've saved up enough lunch money to go back on my own, and start thinking about our future. I know its quite alot to read, and im thankful for anyone who even just skims over this thread to read my story! 1 year 9 months 19 days 20 hours 41 minutes until my return. :]. she told me to think about it as only 2 weeks long, I'll try. . . but it'll be the longest 2 weeks of my life.
    My favorite text message conversation:

    Tobby:love ko! what are you doing?
    Nika:learning how to cook love ko.
    Tobby:cooking? please put some in a plastic bag and send some to me so i can taste it! <3
    Nika: weh? your silly! I'm learning how to cook so when we get married, I'll be cooking all your meals love ko. <3
    Tobby:your so sweet.<3 marry me now? hahaha
    Nika: We're still kids love ko, lets wait until we're more mature, but you know my answer will be yes, whenever you ask!
    Tobby:I love you so much! You're the one for me, I'll wait as long as i need to love ko. love you!
    Nika:I love you too! call me Nika Sy now.. hehe
    Tobby: Addict!
    Nika: Addicted! <3

    That's so cute....its funny how the best things in life tend to happen by chance....I hope your LDR works out well Best of luck!


      That's adorable!!! Such a crazy happenstance that you should end up on that island and meet that special person!
      Good luck, and I hope the time flies by

      Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

      Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
      Closed the distance June 18, 2012!

