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Military, Anyone?

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    Military, Anyone?

    So I started dating my boyfriend, even though he's fully aware that I am leaving for basic in a few months. I'm enlisting for 4 years, and I only get 1 month off a year meaning I will only see him for 4 months in the next 4 years! Things are really great with him, and he could definitely be the "one". Does anyone have any advice on trying to make a LDR work for this long? Are we crazy for trying this?

    Will you have access to internet? I can't tell you it will be easy, but if you both know there will be hard times and are willing to work through them then it can work. Try to keep up as much contact as possible and make sure you trust each other 100%, there are going to be guys and girls that the other might hang out with that may cause jealousy. I know there are people on the forum here that go long periods without seeing their SOs that maybe able to offer more advice then I can, but they all seem to make it work.


      my SO is in the Navy but his order for now is to finish his graduate program. He will be done by next year and will be serving then. It is very tough dating someone in the military, you dont get to see or talk to them as often as you want to but that doesn't mean it isn't possible to make it work. Spend as much time as you can with your SO now. there is always emailing and skype that you can use to communicate.

      i don't believe it's crazy starting a relationship with someone when you know you'll be leaving. You can't help your feelings and i think it's better to try and not work out than to not try and always wonder what could of been... i started a relationship with my SO knowing for a fact he will be gone in a year or so. I try not to let that affect my feelings towards him and enjoy each moment we spend together. I think if we do decide to go steady i am willing to wait for him to be done with his services and settle down with him. But it's too soon to talk about that right now, we've only been together for 3 months.

      Enjoy your times together and create as much memories as possible because when you're in boot camp, training, or deployed you will rely on those memories to keep you going!!

      best of luck

      and thank you so much for serving


        You will be just fine! I've been in three USMC LDRs and they have been fine, the only issue was our compatibility. Now I'm dating the first Marine I was with and he is my best friend in the whole world. It is hard, I won't lie to you about that but I know the military lifestyle in and out from boot camp to deployments. I can help you out if you need anything! Keep your head up!


          My boyfriend is in the army currently and it is not easy! But nonetheless, it is worth every single moment I spend alone because I know it is temporary and he is worth it. If you guys can skype that will make it 10 times easier. The best advice I could give you is please let him realize all that he is getting into BEFORE he makes the commitment for 4 years. It is a long journey but if you guys are meant to be then time and distance should not be a problem! Also, from not being able to see him until your vacations will makes those months so very precious and amazing. Best of luck to you! I hope it works out

