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Our Story *So Far* :)

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    Our Story *So Far* :)

    My name is Fay and my boyfriend’s name is Luke. I found him on youtube November 2010, I was like crazy over harry potter so i searched it on youtube and i found his Harry Potter video he made. I was really busy trying to finish school. I was so stressed out that i didnt message him or comment on anything i just watched the videos.
    So months past by and he started doing daily video blogs on another channel on youtube. I started to see how nice he is. So i finally messaged him on January 10th, 2011. I really didnt know what to say i just new that i really wanted to talk to him. So all said was “Hey, I like your videos! How are you?” Kinda weird right? But i couldnt think of anything else to say at that time. I thought he wouldnt write back so i didnt even worry about it but, he did write back So we started talking and getting to know each other a little. Like i told him i was still in high school and that im from the United States and i already new he was from Switzerland just random i guess. Then i didnt message for a couple of days because i was really busy with school. When i finally got the time to write back he said “hehe, already missed your spam in my inbox” So i just said lol because i thought he didnt wanna talk to me. He messaged me again saying how are you in Feburary.. We started talking a little more and then we stop talking again. Feburary 9th i finished school finally so i was free and he kept asking in the messages to get twitter. Which i already had a twitter i just didnt go on it because i really busy and i really didnt understand twitter at the time anyway. So March 27th i messaged him on youtube saying what my twitter username is and stuff. Because i thought well he asked me a thousand times to get twitter so maybe he will follow me So the next day he followed me but he didnt say much and every tweet did i tried my best to reply because i really wanted to talk to him and really get to know him.
    I also tweeted him before i followed him or even told him my username because he didnt get it because my twitter is private :/ but yeah.. So we started talking on twitter about random stuff like: movies, music, and we discovered that we kinda like the same things. I also told him about my puppy Ava and she is the same breed as his puppy “Australian Shepherd”. I really didnt tell him much of my personal information because im really careful with that kind of stuff or at least i try to be. So one day i added him on skype because he wanted to see my puppy but we really never chated on skype we just went back to talking on twitter. I also showed a video on my puppy. So later in April i told him i has a DSI XL and he does too so we started playing Mario Kart. I told him i liked video games like Halo and Half life and he really liked that. I started to really like him then so i started retweeting stuff on twitter like love quotes hoping he would read them which he did. He also retweeted stuff but i thought oh well he loves someone else. But one day i retweeted this tweet and it said ”Every girl likes to wake up to a “good morning beautiful” text”. and i was thinking well maybe just maybe he will do that but i wasnt getting hopes up.
    So the next morning i woke up and i said Morning! on twitter like always and he said “Good Morning Beauitful” I was sooo happy and i was like wow he might actually like me. Then after that day he started sending me cute tweets like every sunday morning like "Good Morning Sweetie" or "Good Morning Gorgeous". Sometimes i thought he was just joking around but he really did mean it.
    So in May my grandfather had surgary and i had to stay over night with him and i didnt sleep at all. He was at school at the time and everybody was sleeping so the only person i had to talk to was him I stayed up 24 hours that night and i was sooo tired. It was a really bad night but he told me he would be there for me that whole time which i seen then that he really cares about me. That was the first night he sent me a <3 and he did *hugs* which i dont really remember that because i was half asleep. But if it wasnt for me talking to him that night i would of had a really hard time.
    In June we started adding hearts to good morning and goodnight tweets. The beginning of our LDR started the 24th of June. I found out that one of my friends had cancer and i was really upset that day. He told me he loves me that day. I thought it was just as a friend though. I thought he was just trying to make me feel better which it worked) but yeah i thought it was just as a friend but i was really hoping it was more. He didnt know what i looked like then or anything because i was still keeping my personal information to myself.
    He tweeted “I Love you” at the end of a good morning tweet one morning and i new then he loves me more than a friend. I was really happy then. I finally showed him a picture of me soon i think in July and then in August i sent him a video so he could hear my voice.
    He finally gave me his number in August too because he was going on a trip and he didnt know if twitter would work or not. We couldnt get the texting to work because we live so far away from each other. We now we just use different apps on our phones to text.
    I told my parents about us in the end of August. My mom didnt like it but she is ok with it now and My dad is ok with it too.. Luke’s mom is ok with it
    We are taking everything slow right now. He is planning on visiting me soon which i cant wait. We havent met either other in person yet so that will be a big day for us. We are also planning/talking about our future. Which so far sounds so awesome.
    So thats our story so far We are also just started using skype which is really cool I love him so much and even though he lives over 5000 miles away from me he will have my heart forever....
    Close together or far apart, you're forever in my heart.

    I love you soooo much Luke

    Cute story! I hope everything goes well for you two! Keep your head up

