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This is the story of how Carebear met Shadow.. to become Shadowbear together....

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    This is the story of how Carebear met Shadow.. to become Shadowbear together....

    I met Jerald back in April of this year. I believe it was the first week in April. He sent a message out of the blue to my facebook inbox talking about a mutal fave band called Black Veil Brides. We inboxed for a few days and then I asked if he would like to add me. I was ELATED to see that his answer was yes. When I had first seen his picture I just couldn't believe how beautiful this man was to me. I'm a larger lady and I was trying not to get my hopes up about him because already I had feelings for him. When I say feelings I could feel the stirrings of a small crush. So we added each other and got to the point where we were talking all the time! I learned through the messages that the only kind of women he dated were the larger ones. What they called BBW. He kept telling me how pretty I was to him and my heart started fluttering every time I got a message from him. I've never cheated on someone, and I don't ever in my life see that happening, but I was already in a relationship and I could feel and see with our messages that we were getting close to each other. I started getting confused and I told him how I felt. He knew I was in a relationship and didn't want to come between us. That's when I started really thinking about what I was going to do . I was litteraly so confused I would not be able to sleep. I had loved my then boyfriend and I was starting to love Jerald. After about a week of this I had thought of each scenario of losing one or the other. I felt that I didn't want to lose Jerald so the day I decided what I was going to do I talked to him about it and I asked him what he thought and if he thought we had a chance. He said only if I was sure that I wanted to be with him should I do it. That answered my question right then. I still felt really bad about what I had to do . I cried while I was explaining to my then boyfriend I will call him D. D understood that it sometimes happened like that , but that he was hurt as well. I told him I was sorry that I had hurt him but that I would always be there for him when ever he needed me just as a friend would. It could have been a lot worse but he was a good guy, very understanding of my reasons. ( we are still best friends!)
    I gave Jerald a copy of the messages we had sent back and forth to show proof of what went on, but I told him that I wanted to wait for a little bit before we became a couple out of respect to D. He agreed that it was a good idea. We continued talking and became closer and closer and he would dedicate songs to me and tell me thats the way he felt to me. He would show me love poems and even though he said he wasn't romantic he was very romantic to me. On April 22, 2011 I felt that it was time. I let him know and I told him I wanted to talk to D first to find out if he would be ok . I wanted to make my relationship public and D gave his blessings to us.I tell you that Jerald and our growing love for each other was the worst hidden secret! Every one knew! So we agreed to become a couple and every day we would text , talk on IM and video calls. We would talk on the phone for over 6 hours each time we talked . I was amazed cause I had never had a conversation last any where near that long, but we couldn't get enough of each other. The first few months breezed by so quickly our birthdays rolled around (Mine in May and his in July) and then he and my cousin Tama started talking and planning ... Little did I know that for our birthdays but as a surprise to me she was going to bring him to me. His visit sealed the deal. I mean When I seen him in person. My love I felt became solid as stone. I couldn't see a life without him now. December 2011 We will be closing the distance and becoming a CD relationship as he will be moving in with me . Thank you for reading my story .

    Congrats! Keep your head up!


      Thank you So much Semperfi!

