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Wishing Texas was a little smaller so the road between you and I was a little shorter

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    Wishing Texas was a little smaller so the road between you and I was a little shorter

    So here's our story:
    I met my SO from a dating website; but we never hit it off. A few weeks later, we’d been texting back and forth and he finally asked me out. It was the best first date EVER! 2 weeks later, I became his girlfriend.

    That was 7 months ago. We went into our relationship knowing we’d be in an LDR. Things started out really well and we saw each other almost every weekend. A couple weeks in our relationship, he and I said, “I love you.” I knew very early on, B was the man I was meant to marry.

    That summer, things progressed really well. We even went on a mini-vacation together to Dallas and San Antonio for 4th of July. It was a great vacation and I fell deeper in love with him. We planned our family together and decided where we would live. It may sound fast to most people; but things felt right.

    Both of us planned on being a teacher and had several unsuccessful interviews. Soon, I had an interview at an oil company here and he had an interview for a coaching job there. We planned on moving together wherever one of us got a job. In the midst of everything, it’d been a while since I heard from the oil company; so we decided I’d move up there and substitute teach. He suddenly had other plans though. He decided he’d continue at his job for now; but he wanted me to get the job here and then he’d move down.

    In September, I got the job and made plans with him for him to move down. Then, things began to crash and burn. His plans to earn income, while down here fell through and it seems he’s given up. Now, we see each other about once a month and it’s getting harder and harder. I love him with all my heart and still feel that we’re meant to be. I wish things were easier and we lived in the same city. I have faith that one day soon enough we will be though.
    Last edited by SB0501; November 28, 2011, 08:35 PM.