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Loving From A Distance


Forums Topics Posts Last Post
Long Distance Relationships
A place to discuss long distance relationships. Talk with others that are currently or have been in an LDR. Share the happy, the sad, the good, & bad bits of your LDR. Give and receive support.
Topics: 14,337 Posts: 177,692
14,337 177,692
College (439/3,060)
Military (219/1,284)
International (1,402/15,943)
Work/Study Abroad (156/949)
LGBT Couples (103/913)
Teens (401/2,736)
With children (82/775)
30+ (279/3,089)
Don't be a lurker! Introduce yourself to the LFAD community!
Topics: 2,765 Posts: 22,451
2,765 22,451
LFADults Only
Mature, adult-only content.

Must be a member for 30 days and have a minimum number of posts (undisclosed)
Topics: 1,519 Posts: 31,062
1,519 31,062
Visits & First Time Meetings
A place for members to share visits and first time meetings with their long distance loves :) Talk about your trip plans. Get advice for visits.
Topics: 467 Posts: 23,077
467 23,077
Anniversary Announcements
Do you have an anniversary coming up and want to share? Share your monthly and yearly anniversaries here :)
Topics: 752 Posts: 5,277
752 5,277
Closing the Distance
Have plans to finally end the distance? Discuss the issues that arise when taking the big step of moving to be with your partner.
Topics: 1,160 Posts: 11,088
1,160 11,088
Things For LDR Couples To Do
You've seen our list of things for couples to do with and for each other. What are your favorites? Which ones worked for you? Share your experiences, and give "things to do" suggestions here.
Topics: 567 Posts: 6,211
567 6,211
Gift Ideas for Holidays & Special Occasions
Share/get gift ideas, handmade gift how-to's, and pictures of gifts & creations you've sent to or received from your boyfriend/girlfriend.
Topics: 613 Posts: 4,539
613 4,539
Proposals, Engagements, & Weddings (oh my!)
Taking commitment to a whole new level
Topics: 537 Posts: 10,485
537 10,485
Travel Tips
Share your travel tips and ask for travel advice
Topics: 474 Posts: 4,407
474 4,407
North America (149/1,342)
South America (12/136)
Europe (69/589)
Asia (13/77)
Africa (3/18)
Love Letter Ideas
At LFAD, the 10th of every month is "Love Letter Day." Since no one wants to feel like they are writing the same thing over and over again in their letters, share your letter ideas and get ideas from other long distancers to keep your love letters fun and romantic!
Topics: 172 Posts: 1,764
172 1,764
Techy LDR Stuff
Discuss and get advice on anything techy that keeps LDRs running :) (phones, computers, webcams, etc...)
Topics: 190 Posts: 1,855
190 1,855
Just Polls
A fun section where you can create and answer polls. Mostly LDR related topics, but you can post off-topic polls as well!
Topics: 57 Posts: 2,116
57 2,116