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Closing the Distance - Permanently for Now!

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    Closing the Distance - Permanently for Now!

    Hey everybody! So I haven't been on at all this summer…been crazy busy, and been spending time with my love. He moved to be with me for the summer, and we had problems in the beginning, but now we're better. I mean, we still fight, of course, but what would the fun be without those little spats? Anyway, even though I didn't think i could do it financially or otherwise, I told him when he moved back to CO (his job is seasonal, ski instructor) this time I wasn't being left behind. So, at least for now we are closing the distance! I am very excited!!! We have been apart this past month, but we will be together again starting November 1 and we will arrive in our new home November 4th. I'm having some troubles with the leaving part though, and wondered if anyone else experiences this? You know, you want to be with him so bad, but you're scared to go, and it's hard to leave your family, and everything you're used to?? Plus, people aren't too excited about me going, my family says they're supportive but the feeling I get from them is not very supportive. And the woman I used to work for (as a nanny, they're now close as family) even went so far as to find me a job in my field to try and make me stay! So now I have to break it to her kids (who I love like my own, especially the little guy) when she keeps telling them I'm not leaving, I not only have to quit my job, but tell this other guy who is dying to hire me on that sorry, Im not going to be here, and I have to pack and deal with my family. I'm assuming everyone else, or lots of you, when you close the distance or get to the point, may feel similarly, but it'd be nice to hear it!! Cause I'm kind of freaking out lol