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    Hello Everyone

    Hi, My name is Yvonne.. You can call me Von..
    I'm a new member here.. I'm 23 y.o. and from Philippines..
    My Bayo (bf) is originally lives in UK but was assigned in a military facility in U.S.
    I joined this site because it gives me and my Bayo a different ideas and activities,
    especially when at some point we have dead airs every time we talk and we couldn't
    come up on something.. I shared the link of the "100 activities for LDR to do" with him
    and he also found it interesting.. So now, aside from the talking or plane chatting, we do
    play some games together or tried the activities listed on the link.. It has so much fun
    besides it draw us closer and makes the bond stronger..

    This site is such a big help for LDR couples..

    God bless and more power to everyone

    p.s. I hope i could find friends here too..
    Last edited by Adi & Von; January 14, 2013, 04:09 AM.