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First LDR and first relationship

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    First LDR and first relationship

    Hello everyone!

    For a few years now I have been playing an MMORPG in Japanese for fun and to keep practicing my Japanese (I studied abroad there for a year in college). Not too long after I started playing I became in game friends with another player and since then we have done a majority of the games quests, story, etc together. After almost a year or so I think, I started developing feeling for him, but it did not seem really that he had any feelings beyond friendship for me, so I did not broach the subject; especially considering all the difficulties that would exist by default in having a relationship with him. I have traveled to Japan a few times since I started playing, and have met up with him in real life along with some of my other friends there. He was always friendly and willing to take off time from work to join me site seeing, but none of his actions were such that I could take them as anything deeper than friendship.

    Last year though in game there were a few things he did that made me think that maybe there was a possibility that he did want something more, so I told him that I thought that I had feelings for him. His only response was "Thank you" and things continued pretty much as they had. Women's intuition, or perhaps an over inflated sense of self confidence made me always think that he did like me more, but since even my confession of love did not get much of a response I figured that he probably did not want a long distance relationship. We met up a few months ago when I visited Japan again and had a good time together for a few days, but once again nothing could be taken as him having any interest in me outside of friendship. I am rather bad at giving up I guess, and I wanted to see him again, but I felt like going to Japan once a year was excessive without good reason, so I did not know when I would see him in real life again (I have told him each time I saw him that he was always welcome to visit me, but he has never traveled outside of Japan and does not speak English). So I decided to push the subject, and over a year after having told him my feelings I pressed him for his, asking if I was supposed to take his response last year as turning me down. He responded that he liked me but was not sure how to deal with me since he has never had a relationship before. While we are both in our early thirties, while I have gone on dates I made on online dating sites they never went past a second date, so I haven't had a boyfriend before either. I told him we were both in the same boat. We agreed that we are now "dating" which currently consists of us texting via the LINE app (The app is extremely popular in Japan), and app based phone calls on his days off. We also continue to play with each other in game every day, but that was pretty much the case before hand.

    So it should be pretty obvious to you all that I will need a lot of advice an help in this relationship, so I am hoping that everyone here can help me out. I will probably post a thread in the International section in a few days asking for advice and will appreciate any thoughts and insights that you have to offer. Thanks.