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Partias + visit...freak out!

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    Partias + visit...freak out!


    I'm seeing my SO in 12 days and I'm going nuts! Suddeny it turns out they changed the dates for partials and school and I have plenty of projects I should be handing in the day after I come back from my SO's place. I'll be there 3 days, which means I'mm be absent to school on friday 23. Then for the monday after that one I have projects due...which means I have to finish them, at most, during the morning of thursday 22!

    This is the list of things I have to do...

    1. Kitchen tool (80% of the course's monthy grade)
    - full reaserch (almost done)
    - presentation about ergonomic problems to be solved with this tool (in process)
    - concept and idea (help!!)
    - constructive drawings as if the product was to be manufactured
    - the preaking prototype produced in plastic...
    - at least 2 posters explaining your product (this requieres not ony descriptions and picture but ALSO drawings and other visual aid)

    2. Laser-cut product (based on puzzles) (around the 70% of montly course grade)
    - again research
    - brainstorming
    - presentation or "mood board" on how I feel about this product
    - sketches
    - cutting lines made in adobe illustrator
    - finished product

    3. Art history essay (100% of course grade for this month)
    - 3 page essay (kind of easy, I'm fast for writing and I know my topic well)
    - 20 images explained and with every technique details

    4. curved wood product (not for that date but important to work on) (30% of the course's month grade probably)
    -...just the product :P

    ...time counting, 12 days...more like 11 actually. And I must get high grades in everything because I have a scholarship to keep! Aaah!!
    Some advice on how to calm down? Stress is never good for me, it makes my head blank out! I mean I feel I can do it and I am willing to do it because I really need seeing my SO, cancelling now, after getting the ticket is just NOT an option. I haven't seen him for 5 months and I really need to. But I need to calm down and get some inspiration to develop the silly products.

    Also...if any of you has advice on how to get inspiration and/or ideas, I'll be really grateful to hear.

    (If you feel like helping this student in distress you may also give me random words of things you like so I can perhaps get ideas for the laser cut puzzle...or tell me which fruit or vegetable you find hard to peel/cut/remove seeds. If you do so just say the words, I think it is more efficient for me to get advice on how to deal with stress than this part).