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White Elephant Gifts

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    White Elephant Gifts


    So, I was thinking about how romantic my SO can be, in terms of the gifts he sends (and, really, most of my boyfriends have, but he even does all these crazy, creative things with the wrapping and such). Now, thinking back to his birthday (which was a few weeks after we had met in person and he had gone back home), I worked really hard on getting a package together for him, but I think my main present was an epic fail! Based on many conversations we had had, including ones while he was visiting, he loves coffee. So, I ended up designing a great graphic t-shirt about his love for coffee. I really spent a long time getting the design perfect (I love drawing) and the professional printing and such was rather costly for my student budget, plus the friends I showed thought the design was really cool. The thing is, I knew that he likely wouldn't wear it out a lot--he's very preppy and sophisticated in his dress, but I had hoped that he would wear it to bed (he will wear t-shirts when he is just lounging and stuff) or when he goes cycling or something. Anyway, with the package, he seemed to be much more excited about all the romantic, cute little things that I had sent him (also, he keeps a little stuffed animal that I sent him from before we were official--I have the same one), instead of the shirt. He mentioned the shirt and something about liking that gifts can spring from inside/ random conversations. I have never seen him wear it on webcam for me, so I am guessing he really doesn't like it. I guess I should have foreseen that, but I would have liked to have seen him wear it once for me.

    Has anyone else given or had gifts that tanked?