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Feels lucky to be his girl.

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    Feels lucky to be his girl.

    I've always believe the best relationship starts unknowingly. Because from my past experiences, the best relationships I've ever had were the ones that happened without neither of us trying. And this is why I believe my relationship with my SO is going to be a good one.

    We met on a dating website and I messaged him (I don't normally do this) commenting his profile. We utilized the website to message each other back and forth for few weeks before exchanging phone numbers and proceed to texting. We made plans to meet because I was going to be in his city for a friend's graduation, however, a week before my trip he received what would be good & bad news. Good news because he finally got his next order in (he's in the military), but bad because he'll be leaving 2 days before my arrival which means we wouldn't be able to meet for another 3 months or so. We were both pretty bummed out but we try to keep each other optimistic.

    Despite the miles and time difference between us, we've managed to stay in contact. We had our 1st meeting via Skype and didn't Skype till 2 weeks later. All this time when we're talking we never mentioned how we felt about one another, it was just sort of all up in the air. I finally decided to make a weekend trip to where he's at to visit him. Again, there was yet another obstacle because he weren't able to leave base, which means we wouldn't even be able to meet even if I were there. At this point I felt I didn't want to continue this with him anymore. I'm a strong believer of fate and I feel fate just wasn't on our side. I wrote him a letter and was about to send it out when he texted me to Skype that evening, and that was when he made an agreement with me. He'll do anything in his power to see me if I drive to the city he's in after I land. I figured I was already flying 3.5 hours to meet him, might as well drive another 3.5 hours to him.

    We've learned so much about each other over the weekend, though we only got to spend a total of about 7 hours together. He confessed his feelings for me and tells me how much he wants to be with me. Though I was a bit hesitant, I proceed with it. Of course this isn't the ending yet....

    Another obstacle came up and this time is my health.. I got a phone call from my doctor and received some bad news. I texted my SO and told him everything and said I just can't be with him, even though I really want to. He deseves a healthy girl and I just wasn't her. He called me right after class and talked about the issue. He was so supportive and understanding which totally melt my heart. Despite my illness, he tells me he still wants to be with me, no matter what happens and he that doesn't see an end in us.

    I am so glad to have found and have him in my life. We aren't sure when the distance will end and thats the drawback of dating a military guy. I know I will never be his 1st priority and he can be next to me this minute and half way across the world the next. We don't know where this will lead us, nobody does. But we aren't giving up.