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Advice on not being able to see my boyfriend for about 6 months

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    Advice on not being able to see my boyfriend for about 6 months

    Hey everyone,
    I am new to this and did not know there was a site about long distance relationships and happy I found it me and my boyfriend been together for 29 months, and I love him so much we are engaged together I have met him before he lives in England and I live in the USA there is a time difference he is 5 hours ahead of me which makes it so hard, but we Skype every day and night together. I so hate that I cannot be with him I just want to go through the cam to see him, but the sad part is I wont see him till the end of January where he is actually going to come and see me that is when I am graduating college, and I was going to be moving over to England with him to start our life together I did not know if anyone is in the same boat where they in the same boat I am in and can give me some advice it is so frustrating not seeing him.